"What shall we then say to these things?" -Romans 8:31 [KJV]

This is a most disagreeable chapter to 'free-will,' pride, and self-righteous spirits. For it cuts the very sinews of boasting. It lays all sinners upon a level, while it proclaims salvation by sovereign grace. A great Arminian professor was lately honest enough to own, that St. Paul does contend for the doctrines of election and the final perseverance of the saints: but was weak enough to add, “I verily believe he does it in his own spirit.” Such was his answer to these things. 

But when it pleases the enlightening Spirit, to display the glorious discoveries of the Divine mind, in His eternal purposes of grace and salvation, to lost and wretched sinners, the sin-convinced soul is struck with horror and amazement, and cries out, “O the depths of the riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways are past finding out!” All exceeds my comprehension. I bow to sovereign grace. I rejoice in everlasting love. I glory in the finished salvation of the Son of God. 

Just so, an officer in the navy whom I visited, when near death, when I laid before him the love of God to sinners, and the salvation of Christ for them, clapping his hand to his breast, in an ecstasy cried out, “Where have I lived, that I never heard these things before? Good God! have I got a soul?” Come Christians, what have you to say to-night to God’s loving us from eternity—choosing us in Christ, and blessing us with all spiritual blessings in Him, before the foundation of the world—redeeming us by Christ, in the fulness of time—calling us to Christ, in the day of His power—pardoning our sins, and justifying us by Christ in the time of love—enabling our hearts to choose Christ, and walk with Him in holiness? 

What shall we say to these things? Say! with our Lord, in sweet submission to His sovereign will, even so, Father, for it seemed good in Thy sight. We give Thee the glory of all. We welcome these things as the glory of our souls. Glory to Thee, O Spirit, for opening our blind eyes to see the glory of them, and humbling our proud hearts to submit to them. But what shall we say, to those who oppose these things? Satan will oppose. Resist him stedfastly in the faith of them. Your carnal reason will oppose. Beg Christ to bring it into captivity to Him. Self-righteous men will oppose. Pity them. Treat them with love, consistent with zeal for the truth. Ever remember, Who made you to differ? 


Base pride and wicked unbelief 

Reject Thy truths, O Lord! 

Hence conscience gets no sweet relief, 

No comfort from Thy word. 

My God, instead of bold replies 

Against Thy sov’reign grace; 

Teach me that here true wisdom lies, 

To bow before Thy face.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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