"...and be found in Him." -Philippians 3:9 [KJV]

What! the heavenly-inspired, holy, self-denied Paul, who had the richest experience of grace, manifold gifts of the Spirit, been caught up to the third heaven, and laboured more abundantly than all the apostles,—has he advanced no farther yet, than to have no other hope and desire than such a worthless sinner as I? 

What! had not he arrived at perfection? Had he no inherent righteousness, no graces of the Spirit, no holiness, no fruits of good works, no sincere obedience, no terms and conditions he had performed to look to, rely upon, and desire to be found in at the bar of God? 

No: but he had obtained precious faith in a precious Saviour. Therefore, he looks out of himself, out of all that was wrought in and done by him—he passes it all by—he looks through it all to Jesus— he renounces it all in point of justification before God, and puts the issue of his eternal life and salvation upon being found in Christ, and having on His infinitely perfect and everlastingly glorious righteousness. 

Beza, upon this place, brings in the justice of God pursuing Paul as a malefactor, and Christ as a city of refuge, which he desires to flee to, and be found in. Mr. Burkitt, though not the most consistent expositor, yet this is one of the many excellent things which he says: “Christ’s perfect obedience entitles us to heaven.” From St. Paul’s desire, we learn, 

(1st.) What is the sole object of a convinced sinner’s faith? Not, what he is in himself—not any thing wrought in him, or done by him: but, wholly, and exclusively of every other matter or thing, the person and righteousness of the Son of God. If you have the faith of God’s elect, you will rest your soul’s hope only upon Christ, and desire to be found in him in life, in death, and at judgment. 

(2d.) Let us beware that we do not slight, despise, and decry the graces and fruits of the Holy Spirit in us. Though these are not to be looked at for our justification, yet they are comfortable evidences of our being one with Christ, and interested in the Father’s everlasting love and the salvation of Christ. They are not bestowed on us to rival Christ in our hope; but that we should glory in Him, and exalt Him in our hearts, lips, and lives. 

(3d.) Though we desire to be found only in Christ, though our holy walk and good works cannot justify our persons; yet they justify our faith, our profession, yea, and the doctrines of grace, from the unjust charge of licentiousness. 

O! may we be more and more concerned to obey Christ, to let our light of truth shine before men, that, seeing our good works, they may glorify our Father Who is in heaven (Matthew 5:16.) Lastly, St. Paul here wishes for the experienced comfort and sensible blessing of being found in Christ. This precious enjoyment we also should covet earnestly. 


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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