"...and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of GOD." -Ephesians 6:17 [KJV]

Soldiers of Christ, all hail! Happy ye. Christ is your whole armour. (1st.) Christ who is the truth, is the strength of your loins: His righteousness is your breast-plate of defence. (2d.) He is the sum and substance of the gospel of peace, whereby our feet are shod to march against the enemy. (3d.) The Author and object of faith. Our shield, to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 

(4th.) Our helmet of hope. Thus, by the grace of the Spirit, put Him on as your armour. Then, what dangers may you not face? What enemies have you to fear? But forget not your sword. Though but just entered the field, you must know the use of it, and necessity for it. It is offensive to your enemy. Defensive of yourself. What a poor figure would a soldier cut in the field of battle without his sword? Just so would you, without the sword of the Spirit: called the word of God. 

For, (1st.) By it He conquers the pride of our hearts, the self-righteousness of our spirits, and the rebellion of our nature, against Christ and His salvation. (2d.) He furnishes us with it, and enables us to gain victory by it over our corrupt reason, the injections of Satan, and the objections of carnal men, against the mystery of Christ, hope in Him, and salvation by Him. 

Take this sword. Hold fast the faithful word. Abide by it. Stand to it. As a centinel, with this sword in thine hand, guard thy heart against every intruding, insulting foe: all the lying accusations, soul dejecting, Christ dishonouring suggestions of Satan. Not only so, but like Esau, “By thy sword thou shalt live.” Live; upon what thy sword brings in from day to day, out of the precious word of God: out of the fulness of the grace of Jesus, and the precious promises in Him. Having such an armour, the Lord forbid, that we should be like “the children of Ephraim, who turned back in the day of battle” (Psalm 75: 9.) 

Lord strengthen us that we may never be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified, but manfully to fight under His banner, against sin, the world, and the devil, and so continue Christ’s faithful soldiers and servants unto our lives end. Is this the one desire of your soul? O bless the Spirit for it. Hold fast the sword which He hath put into your hand. Hold up, thus saith the Lord—thus it is written, against every foe. Neither men nor devils can stand against the word of the Lord. “It is sharper than any two-edged sword” -Hebrews 4:12. 


O may Thy word, 

Thy precious word, 

My Saviour and my God, 

Against my foes, fresh help afford, 

All thro’ this dang’rous road. 

Spirit divine, teach me the art 

Thy blessed sword to wield, 

That I thereby may guard my heart, 

And ever keep the field.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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