"Ye are called in one hope of your calling." -Ephesians 4:4 [KJV]

What a glorious day was that to Saul, when the Lord called to him from heaven, and said, I am Jesus, your Saviour! Says one, “O that I were as sure that Christ hath called me, as He did St. Paul! Then, how happy should I be!” Verily, thou mayest be happy: thou mayest be as sure, thou art as effectually called as the apostle was. Thy concern of mind about it is a clear evidence, and full proof of it. While in a state of natural ignorance and unbelief, had St. Paul a single wish, or desire, to be called by Christ? Nor wouldst thou, if He had not first called thee by the grace of His word, and the power of His Spirit. 

Therefore, doubt not of, but rejoice in the hope of thy calling. Love Christ for calling thee. Give Him the glory of it. Ye are called. The effects prove it. Ye who were dead in sin, without hope in Christ, have ears to hear the word of Christ, eyes to see the glory of Christ, a heart to desire Christ, as your only hope and salvation. His day of call was His day of power, when you were made willing to have but one hope (see Psalm 110:3.) 

As there is but one atonement for sin—but one righteousness to justify from sin—one Mediator between God and sinners—but one Advocate to plead for sinners—but one Jesus to save: and but one Spirit, to sanctify sinners: so there is but one and the same hope in every called sinner. They all hope for heaven, because God has declared it to be by His free gift to sinners, through His ONE beloved and only Son. Are we called in this one hope? Then, 

(1st.) let us not be looking for any thing in us, nor done by us: neither to graces wrought in us, nor works done by us, as our hope. This would exalt pride against our dear Saviour, “Who is our one and only hope” (I Timothy 1:1.) 

(2d.) Let us not be dejected or discouraged, though we find ourselves imperfect creatures, unprofitable servants, yea miserable sinners. For that were to depreciate the atonement and righteousness of Christ: as though one was not fully available to take away our sins, and the other not perfectly sufficient to justify our persons, and make us acceptable to God. 

Blessed be God, at all times, under all circumstances, our hope is one and invariably the same; therefore, “We rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And hope maketh not ashamed, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts, by the Holy Ghost which is given to us” (Romans 5:5.) Well, Christian, if thou art in possession of this one Hope, thou hast constant reason for joy in God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


And am I called to hope in Christ, 

The face of God to see? 

Then my base lusts I will resist, 

And from all evil flee. 

But Thine’s the pow’r, O God of might, 

With strength my soul endue; 

Let faith and love sweetly unite, 

While heav’n I keep in view.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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