"...and take the helmet of salvation." -Ephesians 6:17 [KJV]

It is excellently said, “Resolve for hardships, or lay down thine arms. Few come at the beat of Christ’s drum to His standard. Many that list by external profession under Him, after a while drop away and leave his colours. It is suffering work they are sick of. Many men are more tender of their skin than of their conscience. They had rather the gospel had provided armour to defend their bodies from death and danger, than their souls from sin and Satan.” -Gurnal’s Christian Armour

All this is, because they have not on the helmet of salvation. What is this? “For an helmet, the hope of salvation” (I Thessalonians 5:8.) Do not all naturally hope to be saved? Yes, some in one way, and some in another. But all natural hopes are false hopes. Therefore they die and perish. But this helmet is a supernatural and divine hope. All men have not faith. Therefore they have not Christ, Who is the helmet of hope. “The Lord Jesus is our hope” (I Timothy 1:1.) 

We have received Him into our hearts by faith. He is the only hope of our souls. Now soldier, you are daily, and every day, to take and put on this precious helmet of salvation, that you may lift up your head in every day of battle. Ever lay this down as a fixed maxim in your heart, whatever grace the Spirit works in you, hope, love, etc. it is, that you should exalt Christ the Lord of all grace, out of Whose fulness you receive grace for grace. Mind this. You are not to live upon hope as a grace within you; but to take Christ, all that He is to you, and has done for you, as the object of your hope, and the helmet of your salvation. 

Many are apt to look more to, and trust more in graces in themselves, than Christ giving Himself for them. The Spirit does nothing in us to glorify us, but to glorify Jesus, to endear Him to us, and that we should glory more and more of Him, and in Him. Take this helmet, for this keeps hope alive in the heart. It is of continual use to us. We are in perpetual danger. It defends the head. It makes the heart happy. Inspires with courage. Fortifies the mind, and purifies the life. 

No wonder then the enemy strives to rob us of the comfort of hope. No marvel, the Spirit, the Comforter, commands us to take, put on, and keep on, this blessed helmet of salvation, the work of Christ, which is our finished salvation. In that we stand perfect and complete, in the will of God. This will guard our heads against corrupt doctrines, and give courage to our hearts in the heat of battle, against affliction and distress. “Hope thou in God.” -Psalm 42:5. 


In Thy salvation, O my Lord, 

May I ever stand complete; 

‘Tis this doth peace and joy afford, 

This is my only helmet. 

This helmet doth my head defend, 

From all deceit and error: 

Gives courage to my heart and hand,

'Gainst Satan’s rage and terror.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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