"...but some are fallen asleep." -I Corinthians 15:6 [KJV]

It is the united testimony of faithful witnesses, that Jesus is risen indeed. But what is this truth of a risen Saviour, to a dead sinner? He hears it, but without any affections of heart, joy of soul, desires to rise with Christ, or hopes of enjoying Him. But when, by the grace of Christ, the soul is quickened to know Him, then the believer rejoices inHis resurrection, as the best news that ever saluted his ears, or reached his heart. 

Then, he delights to read the testimony of the witnesses, to this glorious event. Yea, he also becomes a witness of it himself, for he has an inward testimony of it by faith. My heart has felt joy on seeing Charity-children at Easter, with this label upon their breast, He is risen. It is this blessed truth, which changes the king of terrors, into an angel of comfort: turns that frightful monster, death, into the image of sweet sleep. 

For Christ died for OUR sin, and rose again for OUR justification. So sure as by faith, we now live in Jesus; so at death, we shall fall asleep in Jesus, and awake in His presence, in His perfect likeness, to behold His eternal glory. O what a sweet, what a refreshing sleep is this to souls, wearied and fatigued with the burden of sin, the temptations of Satan, the exercises of the flesh, the trials of the world, the cruelty of enemies, etc. But, melancholy truth! the apostle’s words are verified of some of Christ’s witnesses, in another sense. “Some are fallen asleep” spiritually. 

They are fallen from living actings of faith, lively exercises of grace, lively discharge of duty, living, loving, and walking with heaven in their eye, and Christ in their hearts, into dull, heavy, sleepy frames of souls. O this is very dishonourable to Christ, uncomfortable to themselves, and great concern to lively, warm-hearted disciples! This is brought on some by sitting under a sleepy ministry. This scripture adage is fulfilled, “Like priest, like people.” 

Worldly company, carnal pleasures and profits are sleepy opiates to the soul. O let us be concerned, that we sleep not as do others. Let us attend lively, warm-hearted, soul-searching ministers. Keep company with such sorts of Christians. Avoid light, trifling, drowsy, speculative professors. Let us cry to our Beloved. He has said, “I will cause the lips of those who are asleep to speak” (Songs of Solomon 7:9.) They shall speak, (1st.) to God in earnest prayer, to be kept from sleeping frames. (2d.) To their brethren in Christ, to animate and quicken them to run the heavenly race, looking unto Jesus. See Hebrews 12:2


Is sleep becoming saints of God, 

In the meridian day? 

What! sleep when you should look abroad, 

Arise, and watch and pray! 

Thou risen Saviour, let us hear 

Thy sweet, Thy quick’ning voice: 

Command us sleepy frames to fear, 

And in Thy love rejoice.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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