"At that day, saith the LORD, thou shalt call me Ishi, and shalt call me no more Baali." -Hosea 2:16 [KJV]

Many people say, “The Scripture is a dead letter.” Who told them so? not God in His word. True, St. Paul says, “The letter killeth” (II Corinthians 3:6.) This cannot prove the Scripture to be a dead letter; but only, that the letter of the law is a ministration of death. Therefore, even the law cannot be a dead letter: for that which killeth cannot be dead itself. St. Stephen calls it, “The lively oracles” (Acts 7:38.) Our Lord says, “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63.) 

If we are dead to the law and married to Christ, here is a precious word of spirit and life from our loving bridegroom to us this night. Married by faith: this is what constitutes “that day,” that gospel-day of our espousals. Whatever may be in the womb of God’s purpose and decree concerning any sinner, yet he can enjoy no comfort of it, till brought into actual marriage union to Christ, by faith. “Saith the Lord.” When you read this, consider yourself in your Lord’s presence, and your Lord speaking freely to you. “Thou shalt call Me Ishi, and shalt call Me no more Baali.” Why not? as both names signify 'my husband.' “Thy Maker is thy Baali.” (Isaiah 54:5.) 

O! but there is much more love and sweetness in the one than in the other. Here is an overflow of the Lord’s affectionate heart to us. Ishi is expressive of precious affection and holy familiarity; Baali, of the lordly power, which keeps the soul in subjection; domineering over it, so as to keep it at a distance, and making it shy of its Lord. Many women can truly call their husbands Baali, because they lord it over them: their fear and dread of them is greater than their love and affection to them. 

But our dear Lord would not have it so with us; therefore, bids us, “Call me Ishi.” Mr. Henry says, “Ishi is, Vir meus, my man: A MAN, the LORD. (Genesis 4:1.) O, the affectionate love! O, the marvellous humility of our Lord and husband! May he help us to improve these precious words. 

(1st.) In casting away all servile fear and slavish dread of our Lord. He has taken away the law that cursed us; put away sin which caused it; and there is nothing but love and compassion in His heart to us. 

O! let us, (2d.) prove this, in coming to Him, with the same freedom and familiarity as a loving wife to her affectionate husband; and tell Him of our sorrows and wants, that He may comfort us and supply them. 

(3d.) Let us imitate Christ in the purity of His love and the chastity of His affection. Turn from all other lovers. Delight more in His company, and walk closer with Him in love. “For the love of Christ passeth knowledge” -Ephesians 3:19.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)



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