"That your love may abound yet more and more, in knowledge and in all judgment." -Philippians 1:9 [KJV]

The soul that is not concerned that it may be so with him, is not alive to God. We see many professors, who have lost a warm sense and comfortable feeling of divine truths. But are they deeply concerned for it? Do they earnestly wrestle with God, fervently crying out, O that it were with me as in months past? Alas! no: they say, We are not called to live upon our frames and feelings. Very true: neither, blessed be God! are we called to live without warm frames and comfortable feelings. O, let us beware, lest we despise the comforts of the Holy Ghost! Some professors, by their spirit and conduct, remind us of the fox in the fable, who lost his tail in a trap, and told his brethren he ran so much the lighter without it. 


So some, having lost their warm and lively feelings, think little about them, and seem to say, they can run well without them. Truly, so they do; but not in the ways of the Lord, but in the ways of the world, of sin, and folly. They awfully take up with other frames and feelings; not of a spiritual, but of a carnal and sensual nature. O Christian! pity such. Bless the Lord, if he has kept you from thus falling, and that this text is the prayer of your soul. 


(1st.) “That your love may abound more and more.” To whom? to the God of love; to the Son of His love; to the Spirit who sheds abroad His love; and to the children of His love: yea, with a love of pity to all men. O, this is a most precious frame to live and die in! 


But, (2d.) how is love to abound? (1st.) “In knowledge.” The more we know and believe the everlasting love of God the Father; the everlasting salvation of God the Son: and the everlasting consolation of God the Spirit, real love is increased to Jehovah and to our brethren in Christ. Do not set love before knowledge: do not think knowledge contrary to love, or that love abounds by ignorance. (2d.) “In all judgment,” or sense and feeling, as in the margin of some bibles. Insensible love, unfelt love is a strange kind of passion. 


My dear brethren, you who, like me, have warm passions, let us pray God that our love may as sensibly be felt as our anger, and may daily abound over it: yea, over all our sins; over the love of the world; over every enemy to the love of our Christ, and to the glory of our God. “Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind; live in peace, and the God of love and peace shall be with you” (II Corinthians 13:11.) 


“Tis sweet by faith to know Christ’s love, 


As taught us by His sacred word: 


‘Tis sweeter still, when from above 


We feel its comforts shed abroad. 


Lord, make me daily know and feel 


Religion’s more than empty name: 


‘Tis love and joy unspeakable, 


To live by faith upon the Lamb.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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