"He that is of God heareth God’s words." -John 8:47  

“The words from Mount Sinai gender to bondage.” -Galatians 4:24

Some of God’s children are kept under bondage by them. They are taught to look on themselves only as servants, not sons of God, because they dare not say they know their sins are forgiven. This is a foolish, unscriptural distinction. St. Paul expressly declares, that every believer is a son of God: “Ye are ALL the children of God, by faith in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:26.) Can a man be a servant of God without faith? No: “without faith, it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6.) 

Every one who hath faith in the Son of God, is a child of God: his sins are as surely forgiven, as that Christ died for sinners: he shall never come into eternal condemnation for them, no more than if he had never committed them. “This is God’s word.” (John 5:24.) As many as receive Christ, that is, believe on His name, have the privilege of becoming the sons of God. (John 1:12.) How came they by this faith? “By hearing the word of God.” (Romans 10:17.) Without this, what is called faith in only fancy. The knowing our sins to be forgiven, which some make so great a stir about, if not attained through the faith of God’s word, is only a vain confident delusion: at best, with them it affords but sorry comfort; for they say, A forgiven sinner, after all, may be damned for his sins. 

O! most dishonourable to the precious blood which atoned for them! Cease ye from such. Hear God’s word: that speaks God’s truth, and displays His glory; whilst it proclaims His love in the full, free, certain, and absolute salvation of sinners, by Jesus Christ. He who heareth this as God’s word, receiveth this as God’s truth, and believeth this, in his heart, is of God; born of God; born to know, love, enjoy, and rejoice in God. Here is a plain mark, to know whether you belong to God or not: try yourself by it to-night. 

Do you love God’s word? Is it the delight of your heart, and the glory of your soul? Do you believe its truth, and love to walk after its precepts? Then, so sure as you are a son of Adam, you are a son of God. You will assuredly enjoy the comfort of this, 

(1st.) By studying your Father’s will; and, 

(2d.) In walking in the belief of your Father’s unchangeable love; and, 

(3d.) In living to your Father’s glory. “As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves, according to your former lusts in your ignorance: but as He Who hath made you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation.” 

O, Father! speak this word with power to our souls, “Be ye holy; for I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:14, 15, 16. The hearing ear, the knowing heart, Come both from thee, O Lord! O! keep us, that we ne’er depart From hearing of Thy word. Yea, let us know and practise too, Our Lord’s most holy will; And shew our faith, by what we do, That love reigns in us still.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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