Great Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 12 April, 2024 A.D.

"By the obedience of One, shall many be made righteous." -Romans 5:19 [KJV]

St. Paul speaks of “...another Jesus, another Spirit, and another gospel” (II Corinthians 11:4.) Some talk of a Jesus, Who shed His blood for sinners, and yet leaves them to perish for want of righteousness: this is another Jesus than what the Scriptures reveal. They speak of a Spirit, Who strives to make sinners righteous; but, meeting with so much unexpected, perverse wickedness in their nature, He gives over His attempt, and suffers them to perish in their sins: this is another Spirit, than that Spirit, whose office it is to convince us of sin, and of the righteousness of Christ, to sanctify us in Him, and to glorify Jesus. 

Again; they preach what they call gospel, which consists of certain terms to be fulfilled, and conditions performed by us, in order to obtain righteousness and eternal life: this is another gospel, than that good news of everlasting righteousness, life, and salvation, being the free gift of God through Christ, to hopeless, helpless, desperate sinners. The subtlety of the serpent is in all this. Our minds, though espoused to Jesus, are in danger of being corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. St. Paul was jealous over souls with a godly jealousy, on account of this: we ought so to be over our own souls. 

Here is a plain, simple truth: “By the ONE obedience of Jesus shall many be made righteous.” That heart is not simple, which raises the least cavil, or objection, to the obedience of Christ imputed to believing sinners; or says, they are or may be made righteous in any other way. Such reject the truth, deny the faith, corrupt the mind, dishonour our Lord, and deprive souls of the comfort and joy which spring from believing in Jesus to be “the LORD our righteousness.” Avoid such, as you would those who deny the divinity of our ever dear Lord. Hold fast and rejoice in this blessed truth, that though you are a miserable sinner in yourself; though your obedience, after all your sincere strivings and earnest endeavours, is maimed and imperfect; yet the perfect, spotless obedience of the Son of God is yours, imputed to your account: as much yours, as though you had, in your own person, obeyed every jot and tittle of the law of God. 

By this one obedience of Christ, you are perfectly righteous in God’s sight. He looks on you, loves you, and treats you as such. O! then, poor sinners, be not dejected, as without hope; but rejoice and give glory to your dear Surety, Who has fulfilled all righteousness for you, that you should eternally love, serve, and rejoice in Him, though you have no confidence in the flesh (Philippians 3:3.) 

God’s truth demands obedient faith; 

We’re bound to hear whate’er He saith: 

Then to thyself for sin take shame, 

And all the glory give the Lamb.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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