God and Man in One Christ ~ Our Blessed Hope

"My meditation of Him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD." -Psalm 104:34 [KJV]

Sweet meditation of the Lord causes gladness in the Lord, inspires us with the love of the Lord, and inclines us to ascribe the glory of all we enjoy to the Lord. It is said of Constantine the Great, that, after God had honoured him with many victories, as the effigies of other emperors were set up in a triumphant manner, with their victories engraven upon their loins, he desired that his might be set in a posture of prayer, kneeling, that he might manifest to the world, that he attributed all his victories more to his prayers than his sword. This was the result of sweet meditation. 

What great gain do souls reap by spiritual meditation! Strangers to this delightful exercise, know not what others gain, nor their own loss. A day spent without some meditation of the sinner’s Redeemer and Saviour, is a day lost. For Jesus gets no glory from our hearts. We get no comfort from His love. Paul the aged exhorts his son Timothy, “Meditate on these things.” (I Timothy 4:15.) What things? the Scriptures, which testify of Christ, and the peace and salvation which are brought unto poor sinners by Him. 

O, how sweet is this! Saints, in all ages, have one and the same delightful object to meditate upon. The soul, under the sweet exercise of grace, knows no end of it; nor how to leave off meditating on HIM, Who hath loved us, sinners, with an everlasting love, and saved us with an everlasting salvation. His person is wonderful,—God and man in one Christ. The love of Christ passeth knowledge. 

The offices of Christ, as King, Priest, Prophet, Mediator, Surety, Redeemer, Saviour, how glorious in their nature! how interesting to us sinners! The blood of Christ, how precious! His righteousness, how perfect! His death, how affecting! His resurrection, how joyful! the salvation of Christ, how comforting! His intercession, how prevailing! His grace in the heart, how sin-subduing and soul-purifying! His almighty power, in keeping us through faith unto eternal salvation, how animating! and the perfect sight and full enjoyment of Jesus in glory, how transporting!

Contemplations on these blessed subjects, will cause us to cry out with David, “My mediation of Him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the Lord.” Now, do you complain for want of gladness in the Lord? It is because your heart is carried away after other things. You meditate too much on them, and too little on your God, who saith, “I will not forget thee.” Isaah 49:15. 

My soul is never well, but when I on my best Beloved dwell: He’s fairer than the sons of men— His love and grace unsearchable. Tho’ in myself I’m nought but sin, Yet in my Lord I will be glad: His blood doth cleanse and keep me clean, And in His righteousness I’m clad.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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