COME TO CHRIST JESUS & your souls shall live...

"Incline your ear, and come unto Me: hear, and your souls shall live." -Isaiah 55:3 [KJV]

Some cannot bear exhortations to be used, either to saints or sinners. O, dear! they sound so legal in their ears, they are quite disgusted with them. But why? Truly, such are wise above what is written; and they proclaim their folly in condemning the conduct of Christ, and His Spirit in the prophets and apostles. They have most need of exhortations, who see least cause for them: be not high-minded, but fear. 

A Chinese philosopher asserted, that a man had three ears: one differed from those two which are seen. This was counted a great absurdity. But it holds true in a spiritual sense; for naturally we have ears, but hear not. “The hearing ear, the Lord hath made” (Proverbs 20:12.) This Christ calls for: “Incline your ear.” Act as sentenced rebels and condemned malefactors; be all ear to a sound of mercy, and a proclamation of a reprieve, from Me. Though your hearts are bowed down under a sense of your lusts and corruptions— your consciences burdened with guilt—your minds pained with fears, and your spirits dejected with sorrows; yet listen not to the suggestions of Satan, the intimations of carnal reason, or the surmises of your legal spirits: but turn away your ear from all to Me. 

O, it is precious living, thus to hear the voice of Christ! But this call from the Saviour carries conviction with it, that we do not enough incline our ear to Him: therefore, we are not always happy in Him. Sweet invitation! “Come unto Me.” His love is the same: His words are the very same to poor sinners, whether He speaks by His prophets, or by Himself in the flesh: His loving heart proclaims, “Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28.) Come, under all your load of guilt, weight of dejection, and burden of sorrow. Christ gives us to feel all this, that we may see our want of Him, come to Him, and enjoy fellowship with Him. 

Never misconstrue your soul’s burdens and spiritual distress, as black marks upon you: they are love-tokens from Him Who says, “Hear, and your souls shall live.” Not only live, but be lively; not barely live, but enjoy the vigour of life, the comforts of life, and bring forth abundantly the fruits of spiritual life. All this is by hearing the voice of Christ, believing the love of Christ, and living upon the fulness of Christ. “See then ye refuse not Him who speaketh from heaven” Hebrews 12:25. 

Holy Prince of peace and love, 

Thou Who callest from above 

Give the power to obey: 

Keep us in the narrow way. 

Thou would’st have us happy here, 

In the faith and love of Thee: 

Fill our souls with godly fear; 

Keep us to eternity.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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