"Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established: believe His prophets, so shall ye prosper." -II Chronicles 20:20 [KJV]

Such was the advice of good old Jehosaphat, in a time of invasion by a powerful army. Precious words! at all times seasonable. What can a child of God desire on this side glory, so much as establishment of mind and prosperity of soul? Both are obtained by faith. As the mind is established, so the soul prospers. 

(1st.) What is implied in being established? It is to be fixed and settled in the confidence of our mind, and not to halt between two opinions, as those of old did, between God and an idol (I Kings 18:21.) To halt, is to be lame on both sides. Thus, their minds were in suspense, agitated between two objects, and not steadily fixed upon either. So many sincere souls are tossed to and fro, by every wind of doctrine. They are like children, not steadily fixed in their judgment, nor settled in their confidence in the Lord: yet they delight to hear the truths of God. In hearing, their souls are refreshed: but when hearing is over, their minds are shaken; their doubts and fears again return. 

O! see and rejoice; for, (2d.) the Lord Himself is set forth as the object of our faith. Believe or trust in the Lord your God. Nothing can establish the soul but faith. Lord, increase our faith. And to prayer, we should add earnest diligence in searching the Scriptures, considering the freeness, fulness, and suitableness of the promises of the Lord to us. To believe IN the Lord, is to trust in, and repose our minds upon His covenant grace and love in Christ Jesus; to take Him, as He has revealed Himself, as our God just as little children do by their fathers. Their minds have no doubt of their father’s love to them. When they want any thing, they ask for it: when in sorrow, they tell him of it. 

And yet, what parent on earth has such a heart of love to his children, as our heavenly Father has to us? Did any one ever so freely, fully, and affectionately manifest it? Be ashamed of your unbelief, which keeps your souls from being established in His grace and truth. “It is a good thing, that the heart be established with grace” (Hebrews 13:9.) 

Do we desire it, that our souls may prosper? Then, “believe His prophets.” They testify of God the Father’s love; of God the Son’s salvation; and of peace and joy in God the Holy Ghost. Hear them, and your soul shall be established in grace: believe them, and your soul shall prosper in comfort. 


How oft do fears beset my heart, 

That I shall surely fall 

A prey to Satan’s deadly art, 

And lose my Christ—my all! 

Establish, Lord, my heart in faith, 

Firm in Thy truth to stand; 

Daily to live on what Thou saith, 

While in this barren land.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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