"Awake to righteousness, and sin not." -I Corinthians 15:34 [KJV]

What St. Paul says of natural death, “Some are fallen asleep,” (verse 6,) may be applied, in a spiritual sense, to professors. There are many such in this day. It is a very bad frame to live in and indulge. Such bring no honour to God, credit to the gospel, or profit to their brethren. One would think, such sit all the year under that word, and heartily obey it, “Sleep on, and take your rest.” Can such be said to be running in the heavenly race, fighting the good fight of faith, wrestling with spiritual enemies, and pressing towards the mark, for the prize of their high calling of God in Christ Jesus? No; no more than a man in a midnight sleep, can be said to be active in worldly affairs. 

But, what is worst of all, such sleepers dream that all is safe, and well with them. St. Paul, like a faithful watchman, cries out to such, Awake: “How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep?” What do they answer? “Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding the hands to sleep” (Proverbs 6:9, 10.) If you jog them, and strive to arouse them to the exercise of grace, and the discharge of duty, they will answer in a sleepy fit, “We know the doctrines of grace; do not disturb us with your legal notions about sin and righteousness.” Good Lord! keep our souls from such a dreadful frame. Take heed, O Christian, of such. Beware you get no harm from them, so as to catch the infection from them, and lie down to sleep by them. From whence do such sleepy frames proceed? 

(1st.) Says wisdom, “Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep.” (Proverbs 19:15.) Slothfulness in the ways of the Lord will bring on deep sleep of soul. 

(2d.) Sitting under drowsy, lethargic preachers, who aim more to fill the head with notions of light, than to warm the heart by the fire of love. 

(3d.) Love of the world, and eager pursuits after the riches, honours, and pleasures of it, are sleeping opiates to the soul. O Christian! consider the unintermitting zeal and activity of the Lord, for thy salvation! Wrestle hard with Him, to quicken and keep thy soul alive to righteousness, that thou mayest not sin to dishonour Him: but live and walk, love and obey, so as to glorify Him. Lord, let us never lose our feeling convictions of the exceeding sinfulness of sin, and the dreadful effects of it upon our souls. O! let conscience rather smart with pain, than sleep in stupid security. 


My God, awake my drowsy soul, 

Important truths to see: 

Do Thou my ev’ry pow’r control, 

To walk in love with Thee. 

The heavy chains of carnal sloth, 

Lord, from my mind remove: 

Make me to feel Thy heav’nly truth, 

In all its pow’r and love. 


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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