"I have all and abound: I am full." -Philippians 4:18 [KJV]

Happy Paul! infinitely richer than the most opulent monarch under heaven. Ye poor, wretched, covetous, worldlings! whose gold is your god, and who are labouring to add heap to heap—how long? Till ye drop into eternity, die like fools, and forever lose the idol of your hearts? Behold here a man, who has more than ever you possessed. He has ALL: you only obtain a part of what you aim at; you are still in want of more. Rich, happy Paul possesses ALL. 

“And,” says Paul, “I abound.” Not in want and wish, but in full enjoyment. “I am full.” I can contain no more. He had “the unsearchable riches of Christ” for his portion. His wealth consisted in his mind being contented with that, as his greatest treasure. O! thou poor, murmuring disciple of Christ, who art often fearing and distrusting, lest thou shouldst want the bread that perisheth for thyself and family; and thou, my soul! who hast often been exercised with this sore temptation, learn a lesson to-night about rich and happy Paul. 

Of all men in the world, would you expect to hear St. Paul say, “I have all things and abound: I am full”? What! he, who has been in necessities, destitute, in want, in nakedness; who, like his Master, had not where to lay his head; yet for him to say, “I have all and abound: I am full!” O, may the Lord contract our wants! they are most of them more imaginary than real. Lord, enable us to be content with such things as we have! What are they? Come, Christian, count up your riches: look over the deeds of your inheritance: see what vast possessions you are entitled to. Verily, no less than what St. Paul once had by faith, and now enjoys in full possession; even Jesus, the God of his salvation. 

Christ is all in all. If He dwells in your heart by faith, He filleth all. You have all; you abound in all; you are full of all. The flesh may lust for more. The spirit must be quite satisfied with HIM. “For all things are yours; and ye are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s” (I Corinthians 3:23.) Learn hence, the use and blessedness of your faith: it brings the unsearchable riches of Christ into your hearts. When flesh and sense require to be gratified, here is the work of faith, “Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.” -Romans 13:14 [KJV]

Jesus, Thou art all my treasure: 

When fill’d with Thee, 

I want no more: 

This is still my greatest pleasure, 

To glory in my heav’nly store. 

Come, come, my Lord! 

O sweetly come, 

And take possession of my heart: 

Then, other lovers find no room; 

Thou, only Thou, my portion art.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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