The Wednesday Word ~ 06 March, 2024 A.D.

 Holy Anger

by D.G. Miles McKee 

We live in a day and age when many people tell us that Christians should never get angry.   However, did you know that the Bible doesn´t say that.  It says, "Be ye Angry, and sin not" (Ephesians 4:26). And did you know that gentle Jesus meek and mild got angry? For example, He got angry at the merchandisers in the temple (Mark 11:15–19; Matthew 21:11-13). Do you think He went up to those money-changers and said, "Excuse me, but if it's not too inconvenient I'd like to throw your tables on the ground, that is if you don't mind." No, Jesus got angry-He made a whip and threw those rascals out of God´s House----He wasn't bluffing, He was big enough, strong enough and angry enough to clear the temple. They saw in Jesus a man inflamed, enraged, angry against sin and passionate for the glory of God. And they ran from Him!He also got angry at the sin of the religious leaders of the day, … those long-bearded gentlemen who enslaved the people with their rules and regulations. Time and time again He called them on their error and hypocrisy by delivering to them such verbal bouquets as, You are a brood of vipers, you are whitewashed tombs full of dead men's bones (see Matthew 12:34; 23:33).Jesus got angry!Listen to me carefully; that which makes you angry measures your character!How can Christians not get angry about the millions of babies who have been murdered at abortion clinics?How can Christians not get angry about injustice?How can Christians not get angry at evil?Similarly, just as that which makes you angry is a measure of your character, so, in relation to the finished work of Christ, that which makes us angry measures our love for the gospel. How can, for example, we sit back and not get angry when we see people who, in the name of Jesus, pervert the gospel and who by their so-called sacraments attempt to demolish the Finished Work of Christ?How can we not get angry when we see a certain ecclesiastical dignitary with millions of followers claiming to be the substitute for our Saviour here on earth?How can we not get angry when we see him exalt himself to the position of great high Priest, a position reserved for Christ alone?I must confess that the Roman Mass also makes me angry. The thought of some men claiming to be the necessary, sacrificing priests gets me stirred.  These men claim to have the power and authority to command King Jesus off His throne and remake him in the shape of a wafer.  That makes me angry.The question is not, "Why is Miles McKee stirred up about these matters", but rather the question should be, "Why do so few of those who love the Lord not get angry at the attack the Roman Catholic mass makes on the gospel of the finished and completed work of Christ."Alas, some preachers today have taken a kind of spiritual tranquilizer and have urged folks like me to be more broadminded!My oh my!  Broadminded!  We are urged to accept everything. They tell us that Rome believes and preaches the gospel, and we should not say things that criticize her … this makes me angry!However, may we as His followers be like Jesus who when He saw unrighteousness and legalism got angry and yet remained full of love for those He came to save. That´s a difficult one but necessary.And that´s the Gospel Truth!


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