"Behold, the skin of the face of Moses shone, and they were afraid to come nigh unto him." -Exodus 34:30 [KJV]

Here see the glorious effects of being on the mount with God; of having free access to and holy converse with Him. When we draw nigh to God, and He draws nigh to us, our souls catch the splendour and glory of His grace. This revives our countenance, and makes our face to shine. Here is somewhat worthy our attention; for the holy inspirer calls upon us, behold. Lord! give us to behold this to our edification and comfort. 

(1st.) “When Moses came down from the mount his face shone, but he knew it not.” O! it, is well for us, when we are so wholly taken up with the majesty and glory of our Lord, and see such splendour of grace and love shine on His countenance, as not to be looking at ourselves, and admiring our own gifts and graces. It is to imitate fops and fribbles in nature, to look in a glass to admire ourselves. To fall in love with our own beauty, is to play the harlot (see Exodus 16:15.) 

(2d.) Though Moses knew not that the skin of his face shone, yet others saw it, and were afraid to come near him. Here behold the glory and majesty of the holy law of God: like the face of Moses, it darts its piercing rays of light and terror into the consciences of poor sinners: it works wrath; it fills the soul with the knowledge of sin, the fear of hell, and the dread of damnation. There is a glory in the law, though it ministers nothing but condemnation. 

(3d.) The face of Moses shone so, that he was forced to put a vail on it, while he was talking to the people. Did such a little of the glory of the law so shine in the face of Moses, and that, but with borrowed splendour, that they could not behold his face? then, how terrifying, how dreadful to sinners, to stand before the majesty of divine justice, and to be arraigned by divine truth, as transgressors of this holy law! Who can bear the thought without terror? who can bear the sight, without death and destruction from the presence of the Lord? O! think of the law, in all its dread and terror; see sin, in all its exceeding sinfulness; and consider, 

(4th.) The ministration of righteousness which exceeds in glory, through the love and grace of our dear Mediator. We are called to behold him, but not with a vail upon his face. “For we all with open face, behold, as in a glass, the glory of the Lord” (II Corinthians 3:18.) 

(5th.) Did the Lord cause the face of Moses thus to shine? eternal praises to Him: “He hath shined in our hearts, to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ” (II Corinthians 4:6.) In Him we see the law fulfilled, its curse sustained, our souls redeemed from all its terror and bondage, and brought into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. “Ye are not under the law, but under grace” (Romans 6:14.)

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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