"But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into Him in all things, Who is the head, even Christ." -Ephesians 4:15 [KJV]

There is much good or much harm done, by public preaching and private speaking. See to it, Christians. It either makes souls grow up in self-love, self-righteousness, and self-complacency; or to grow quite out of all conceit with themselves, and to grow up into Christ in all things. Vain persons, who think themselves very handsome, are peculiarly fond of looking at themselves in a glass that flatters or deceives them. If they see a disgustful spot, or blemish in their face, their vanity prompts them to give it some better name than it deserves, that it may not bring down their high opinion of their own beauty. 

This is the exact case with those who are grown up in themselves, in a high conceit of their own senseless perfection. If a spot or blemish of sin appear, O, that is only an infirmity: they do not call these things sin. But, one loud peal of thunder, one dreadful flash of lightning from Mount Sinai, would make them say with David, “I have seen an end of all perfection” (Psalm 119:96.) And with St. Paul, “I was alive without the law once but when the commandment came sin revived (it seems, sin was fallen into a dead swoon, but the law revived it) and I died” (Romans 7:9.) 

Then St. Paul was glad to speak the truth, in love; to love the truth, as it is in Jesus; to grow out of conceit with himself, and to grow up into Christ in all things. O this is blessed growing. Lord make our souls thus increase, with all the increase of God. Into Christ: In a greater knowledge of His glorious person, more experience of His humbling grace, stronger exercise of faith in Him, hope towards Him, love to Him, patience, resignation and self-denied obedience to His blessed word and will. In all things. Christ has redeemed us from all iniquity, and justified us from all things. Faith works by the love of this, to universal obedience. For Christ is the Head. Ever remember this, and be humble. Firmly believe this, and be joyful. 

He is, (1st.) the head of influence. You can have no grace to strengthen you; no righteousness to justify you: no holiness to sanctify you: no love of the Father to bless you: no Spirit to comfort you, but in and from Him. The body is nourished from the head; so are all Christ’s members. 

(2d.) He is the head of eminence, to protect you from every evil enemy and danger, till He bring you safe to His glory. Know, that all this comfort and blessedness is enjoyed in the faith of Christ, “Who is the truth” John 14:6.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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