Great Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 26 March, 2024 A.D.

"When ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do." -Luke 17:10 [KJV]

This is a fatal stab to human merit: this is a deadly blow to sinless perfection. O! flee from the idea of any merit in thee or thy works, as from the face of the devil: it is of the pride of Satan. Avoid the thought of being perfect in thyself, as thou wouldest the most damnable lie: it ariseth from self-deceit, and is established through ignorance of God’s holy law. Our dear Lord here instructs us to be active, yet humble, to be obedient, yet self-abased; to do all things, yet own our unprofitableness after all. 

Beware you do not learn to decry that word, duty. It is very common for many so to do, as implying nothing but what is legal. Thy Lord here uses it. Be not wiser than thy Master. True, thou art freed from all slavish duty and legal bondage, in order to be justified and saved thereby. But run not hence into lawless liberty. Thou art bound to obey, by the love of God thy Father; commanded to serve thy Saviour Jesus—and this, with the affections of a dutiful son, and with the love of a sincere friend. We serve the Lord Christ, knowing that in the Lord we shall receive (as a free gift of grace, not earned by duty and works) the reward of the inheritance (see Colossians 3:24.) 

The rule of the duty of love are the commands of the law of love: the end of obeying them, is, not to make us righteous; not to exalt us in our own eyes; not to lay a foundation, to build ourselves up in self-righteous confidence. No: says our Lord, After you have done all, renounce all; humble yourselves under all: say, we are unprofitable servants in all. Well, but is not this very discouraging, both to doing and hoping?—Not doing. 

The end of all this is to adorn the gospel of grace, to glorify the God of grace, to shew a good example to the world, and to evidence the faith, love, and hope of your soul; that you are alive to God, and that these graces are alive in you. Not to hoping. Do you dread that sentence, “Cast the unprofitable servant into outer darkness?” (Matthew 25:30.) That is, one who is disobedient, and, to every good work, reprobate; who is a stranger to pure faith, holy love, and sincere obedience. 

All such are without hope in Jesus. But, unprofitable as ye are, see, and confess yourselves to be; and, though you have no confidence in yourselves, or your own doing, yet you are commanded to rejoice in Christ Jesus. “And again rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4.) “For He of God is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption" (I Corinthians 1:30.) “And we are made perfectly accepted in Him” (Ephesians 1:6.)

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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