"...Be not afraid, only believe." -Mark 5:36 [KJV]

A short answer to a case of great distress. A simple recipe from the greatest physician. A grand catholicon, or universal remedy that suits all cases, states, and circumstances, and is seasonable at all times. Look at this history. Look to the author of faith to profit by it. Here is a ruler falls at Christ’s feet, beseeching help for his daughter, who is at the point of death. Jesus went with him. Before he arrives at the house, news is brought that the child is dead. The Lord of life and death forbids the father’s fears. Be not afraid. He encourages his hope: Only believe. Fears are natural to sinners. Faith expels them. Christ restores her to life. Joyful news for us. 

(1st.) Here is precious encouragement for our faith, in every application to Christ. 

For, (2d.) here is a marvellous display of His great love, ready will, and almighty power, to help and relieve us. He not only restores at the last gasp, but, when life is departed, recalls it. If your soul is alive to God, you have experienced this. It was dead to sin. Christ quickened you. Now He is your life, how are you to walk and enjoy the comfort of this? Only believe. How many hearts heave with indignation against this doctrine? How many taunt at us? 

“O you are all for faith—nothing but faith—only believe.” True, we are all for Christ, nothing but Christ, only Christ. And we can enjoy Him only by believing. He reproves our slowness of heart to believe, as our greatest folly (Luke 24:25.) All our comfort flows from faith; all our misery from unbelief. Bring this to a point. Are we groaning under the burden of inbred sin, vexed with sore temptations? Do we feel the accusations of conscience, fear the terrors of a broken law, see the drawn sword of justice in the hand of a sin-avenging God, and tremble at the solemn thoughts of death and judgment? 

Under all this, what can bring relief to our conscience, hope to our mind, and peace to our soul? Only believe that Christ hath redeemed, justified, and will eternally glorify us. This is death to our fears, and life to our joys. Again, how is the life of holiness maintained? Only believe, that walking in fellowship with Christ infinitely exceeds all the pleasures of sin, the joys of sense, and the happiness of the world. Faith elevates the soul above all this, and causes it to look down with a holy contempt upon it. Faith enjoys Christ, that is heaven in the heart. In this steadfast faith we are to resist Satan, (1 Pet. 5:9.) and overcome the world (1 John 5:4.) 

Only believe: Lord, give the pow’r 

To look to Thee in ev’ry hour, 

When sorrow, need, and sore distress, 

On our dejected spirits press. 

Faith brings all glory to the Lord, 

It trusts His pow’r, believes His word: 

It lifts dejected spirits up, 

When call’d to drink the bitter cup. 


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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