"Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren, that are in the world." -I Peter 5:9 [KJV]

I had no sooner wrote this text, but was constrained to say, Blessed be God for His holy scriptures. My poor mind has been often perplexed and distressed with sore attacks of Satan. Hence, I have been ready to call in question my state. Have been almost brought to conclude, that if I was a member of Christ, and a child of God, surely He would not suffer the enemy to His glory and my peace, thus to tempt, buffet, and distress my soul. I am persuaded, this is not my case only. All the brethren of Christ are subject to the same perplexity, from the same cause. 

Satan gains an advantage over us, for want of knowing and considering what the apostle here lays down. It is a fixed truth. All the brethren of the Lord Jesus are subject to the same trials and afflictions from Satan, one as well as another. Therefore we should not be surprised nor staggered by them. Instead of thinking it strange, or asking, why does the Lord suffer it so to be? Peter tells us how to act. Satan will attack us all through this life. It is a warfare. Therefore be on your guard. Resist him. Give back not an inch. Give way not a moment. Indulge not the least sin. Resist his first motion of temptation. Oppose his every artful device. 

Stand against his every subtle wile, stedfast, undismayed at them, undaunted by them, however horrible and devilish. The more they are so, the more easily known from whom they came. In the faith, honour your Lord’s heavenly truths. Oppose them to Satan’s hellish lies. Bring your Lord’s precious promises against Satan’s vile suggestions. Stand stedfast to, thus it is written: thus I believe: thus I will honour my Lord’s word. Never, never let go that faithful saying, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 

Glory in this. Hold up this as your shield against all the fiery darts of the Devil. With all his infernal injections, he can make no worse of you than a sinner. This you own. Yea, and that you deserve hell and damnation too for your sins; but in the faith of Jesus, you are a saved, justified, pardoned sinner—(there is no condemnation against you,) an adopted son of God. Stand fast in this faith. Abide stedfast by this truth. Glory in your Lord for it. Give Him the glory of it. In the confidence of it “resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7.

Brethren, it is our common lot 

With Satan to engage; 

Think what a pow’rful Lord we’ve got, 

Fear not his hellish rage.

Stand in the strength of Christ thy Lord, 

Arm’d with His word divine, 

Stedfast in faith, He’ll help afford: 

Christ’s victory is thine.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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