"...Out of season." -II Timothy 4:2 [KJV]

I have often thought, as passing by the great number of churches in London, what manner of stones and what buildings are here! What noble cages are these! But what pitiful birds occupy them! They scarcely ever sing in them above once a week; and then, it is a strange wild note, not the joyous song of salvation, by the blood and righteousness of the Son of God. They do not follow St. Paul’s solemn advice, “I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, Who shall judge the quick and the dead at His appearing, and His kingdom: preach the word, be instant in season, out of season.” 

If Christ’s ministers are thus charged to preach out of season, this charge is equally binding upon all His disciples, to hear out of season also. Consider some reasons for this. (1st.) By the preaching of the word, faith grows and is strengthened. This truth ever remains, and will be made good in experience, “Faith cometh by hearing(Romans 10:17.) 

(2d.) If faith cometh, then Christ, with peace, love, joy, holiness, and heaven cometh to the heart. O then, if so, need there be any other reason added for constant hearing? 

(3d.) The devil cometh out of season. You are never totally freed from his force, fraud, and subtlety. How can you withstand him? Only by resisting him stedfastly in the faith (I Peter 5:9.) How will you overcome him? Only by "the blood of the Lamb, and the word of His testimony” (Revelation 12:11.) By constant hearing of the word, we get instructions in Satan’s art and devices, encouragement by our Lord’s victory over him, and also have our faith strengthened to resist and overcome him. 

(4th.) Trials and afflictions come every day. How are we to obtain support and patience under them, comfort in them, sanctification by them, and a prospect of being delivered from them? From the ministry of the word. Mind what is said of the disciples of old. “Ye received the word in much affliction, with joy in the Holy Ghost” (I Thessalonians 1:6.) More than twenty years ago, with great distress of soul, and much weakness of body, I have often walked near three miles to hear the word. My legs have dragged on heavily. I have been ready to say, You have often carried me to the play-house, and now you must carry me to the Lord’s house. 

For, (5th.) Blessed be our Lord, by the preaching of the word, our doubts are resolved— our fears scattered—our hopes revived—the prospect of the heavenly world brightened—more clear evidence of interest in it, and assurance of enjoying of it obtained. The world has a native tendency to promote all this. And by the grace of the Spirit, souls who constantly attend on it, will be sure to find the sweet experience of all this.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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