"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." -Isaiah 1:18 [KJV]

Whenever our Lord denounces His judgments against hardened and impenitent sinners, we are sure to find a word of grace from His precious lips to our dear trembling souls. His loving heart knew that what He had been declaring against others, His people would take to themselves, reason their hearts into dejection and sorrow, and cast away their hopes and their comforts; therefore, as He frequently, in the days of His flesh, turned aside to His disciples and said, “Come now,”—let not trouble arise in your hearts, let not terror and dread seize on your spirits one moment; so here, “Let us reason together.” 

Do not reason with flesh and blood—with your carnal notions, and your legal hearts; confer not with Satan, who is your enemy and accuser;—but reason with Me: I am just. Do you say, ‘Then, I must perish in my sins?’ No. “I am just, and the justifier of him who believes in Jesus” (Romans 3:26.) I am just to forgive thee thy sins (1 John 1:9.) Reason with Me upon the purity and spirituality of My law. Dost thou say, it pronounces thee cursed, for not continuing in all things written therein? True; but My law has been magnified and made honourable by My Son’s perfect, unspotted obedience. 

Therefore, I pronounce thee blessed in Him; because I impute His perfect righteousness to thee. Come and reason with Me at My throne of grace. Plead thy sins; aggravate them to the most enormous size; multiply them to the greatest number, as sands by the sea-side; paint them in the deepest hue, as scarlet and crimson—Blood divine changes their colour to the most perfect whiteness, even as snow and wool. Not the least stain shall remain: not the least spot shall be seen. “His blood cleanseth from all sin” (1 John 1:7.) 

Thou art all fair, all pure; without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, in My sight. All the guilt of thy sins are atoned: all taken away, by the sacrifice of My Son. They are all covered from My sight, by His perfect righteousness; and I the Lord pronounce thee blessed. I impute no sin to thee; no more than if thou hadst never sinned. O, my soul, here is reasoning! thy Lord would have thee happy and holy, and full of love; and free from legal terrors and slavish dread. Therefore, He thus calls on thee to reason with Him. True, all this is contrary to thy carnal reason: but it is the truth of God, Who says, “I am pacified towards thee” (Ezekiel 16:63.)

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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