JESUS CHRIST our LORD ~ Our Unspeakable Comfort

"His name shall be called Counsellor." -Isaiah 9:6 [KJV]

Litigious spirits are fond of law. Paul absolutely forbids the brethren of Christ going to law one with another (I Corinthians 6:7.) Among other reasons this is the greatest. They are concerned in a suit, which will last their whole lives, and which requires all their time and attention. Though their cause has been tried again and again: though they have gained cause after cause, yet their adversary continues as litigious as ever. He is continually accusing them, and preferring bills of indictment against them. He sets the world upon us. He stirs up the flesh in us. He brings heinous charges against us. He is the accuser of the brethren before God, and to our own consciences night and day (Revelation 12:10.) 

Have you heard nothing from Satan your adversary and accuser this day? If you have, be not dejected. Let him accuse, say, and do his worst. It is our unspeakable comfort, we have a wonderful Counsellor. He pleads our cause before the throne of justice above. He pleads within us in the court of conscience. He counsels and advises us by His Word and Spirit. His true and righteous pleadings for us, shall prevail over all Satan’s accusations against us. Would you wish your cause in better hands? never attempt to take it out of His hands. Continually consult Him. Leave all to Him

For, consider, (1st.) Jesus in the eternal council, voluntarily, unsought and unasked, stood forth, and engaged to be our Counsellor. Like a generous counsellor in a court, seeing the poverty of an arraigned prisoner, freely, without money or price, undertakes to plead his cause. O wonderful love! O kind compassion! 

(2d.) He is a wonderful Counsellor. For though law and justice condemn, yet He obtains an acquittal in court for all His clients. Most wonderful in His plea. Not our innocence, sincerity, goodness, etc. No, He owns our guilt and vileness. He pleads His own work for us. The blood He shed for our sins: His obedience unto the law for our justification; and His sufferings for our salvation. Justice says, I am satisfied, I forgive them. Truth records the sentence. Mercy declares, I will save them. 

(3d.) O wonderful counsellor! it is sinners, none but sinners Thou pleadest for. O for this my soul loves Thee. God be merciful to me, a sinner. This is ever my plea. I take it up. Lord, shew me, from law and justice, that Thou art just, whilst Thou justifiest the ungodly. Desperate as my case is, may I ever flee to Thee, and ever consult Thee. “Thou hast the words of eternal life, {John 6:68.}


Jesus is our God and Saviour, 

Guide, Counsellor, and Friend, 

Bearing all our misbehaviour, 

Kind and loving to the end.


Trust Him, He will not deceive us, 

Though we hardly deem of Him; 

He will never, never leave us, 

Nor will let us quite leave Him.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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