Help us, O LORD JESUS!

"Love not the world." -I John 2:15 [KJV]

There is one word too much in this text, to make it agreeable to the spirit and conduct of many professors. As Pharaoh said by the locusts, “take away from me this death only” (Exodus 10:17.) so many may say, take away this 'Not' only, for it is death to us; then we shall like the text, and most passionately obey its command, Love the world. Does it not seem by the conduct of too many, as though they thus read the text? Now, do not look at Mr. Such-an-one. Look at home. See if you are not the very person, in whom the love of the world reigns. You own it. But instead of falling under conviction of the evil of it, you have an excuse for it. 

You say, “I have a large family—I ought to obtain a fortune for them—though I have some riches, I must get more—I must love, court, and follow the ways of the world—there is nothing to be done without industry—we must rise early, late take rest, eat the bread of carefulness, and be all day long in pursuit of business.” Very well; this is open and honest: the very language of the world. But do you not see gross infidelity stare you in the face? It is plain, where your treasure is, there will be your heart also. You know you cannot, you dare not say, the Lord is my portion: what is there upon earth I desire besides Thee? 

Hear the apostle’s decision and tremble. “If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” Two such contrary loves cannot dwell in one heart. It matters not what profession such make. They may be deemed saints of God. What! without the love of God in their hearts? What other idea can we form of a devil, but that he is destitute of the love of God? James says, a friend of this world is an enemy of God, (4:4.) Well might Paul say, “the love of money is the root of all evil.” For like a stinking weed, it chokes the love of God in the heart. 

See the reason of this exhortation, love not the world. Examine, whether your pursuits are most earnest after the world, to gain more riches, or to enjoy more the love of God in your heart. Consider your calling. It is to be happy in the love of God in Christ. But the love of the world opposes this, and indisposes for this, therefore we must be crucified unto the world. Hard as this is to flesh and blood, yet faith in Christ makes all things possible. Love to Christ makes all things easy. “This is the victory which overcometh the world, even our faith” (John 5:4.) “The love of Christ constraineth us” (II Corinthians 5:14.)


Thy wondrous blood, dear dying Christ, 

Can make this world of sin remove; 

And Thou canst bear me where Thou fly’st 

On Thy kind wings, celestial Dove.

O might I now mount up and see 

The glories of th’ eternal skies, 

What little things these worlds would be, 

How despicable to my eyes.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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