God's Love & Joy over His people

"He will rest in His love; He will joy over thee with singing." -Zephaniah 3:17 [KJV]

Instead of two meditations on this verse, it is worthy the study of our whole lives. Eternity itself will never exhaust the fulness of that rich and glorious grace contained in it. When the vanity of the creature, and the richness of God’s everlasting love and free grace are the subjects, well might the preacher say, “Of making many books there is no end; though much study may be weariness to the flesh” (Ecclesiastes 12:12.) Yet such study is reviving and refreshing to the spirit. 

Well, saith the poor sinner, ‘I remember the day of my espousal to Jesus: it was sweet. My heart was filled with peace and joy in believing. But, ah me! I have lost my first love: I am cold, and dark, and dead: I go on heavily, while the enemy oppresses me, and is daily saying to me, Where is now your God, in whom you once delighted, and of whom you formerly made your boast? Thy love is cold to Him: He has totally withdrawn His love from thee: thy manifold sins have turned His love to thee, into perfect hatred against thee.’ 

Dost thou know this language? How dost thou treat it?—as the voice of a friend, or an enemy? What saith thy Lord? “He will rest in His love.” Believe Him: reject the lying accusation of Satan. Look not at thy scanty love to the Lord, but to the fulness and perpetuity of His love to thee. This will excite thy love. He rests everlastingly, and unchangeably the same, in His love to thee. God is as unalterable and unvariable in His love to thy person, as in hatred to thy sins. 

He is silent in His love: He forgets thy sins: He remembers thine iniquities no more. This is the declaration of covenant love (Jeremiah 31:34.) Therefore, He will be silent in His love. When the terrors of the law ring a loud peal in thine ears, and Satan brings dreadful charges against thy conscience, yet thy Lord is silent. He condemns thee not: His love covers the multitude of thy sins: His righteousness justifies thee from all iniquity. In the days of His flesh, when a poor sinner stood before Him, and was vehemently accused to Him, He wrote upon the ground: He was silent. 

When he lifted up himself, He said to the poor soul, “I do not condemn thee; go and sin no more” (John 8:11.) He considers his toils and sufferings for sinners. “I will joy over them with singing.” Ah! but our Saviour’s great joy would be turned into sorrow, if but one of His beloved, redeemed sheep were to perish. But that is as impossible, as for Him to cease to be God. Now, think of all this fulness of might, love, joy, and delight, which thy Lord declares He has in thee, and over thee, O my soul! The Lord excite confidence in Him, and cause thy heart to burn in holy love and sweet gratitude to Him.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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