Divinely Called & Effectually Persuaded to Come to CHRIST!

"O Lord! Thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived; Thou art stronger than I, and hast prevailed: I am in derision daily, and every one mocketh me." -Jeremiah 20:7 [KJV]

A poor deluded perfectionist lately made a great noise in London: he blasphemously pretended to be as holy as God Himself, to have revelations from Him, and peremptorily fixed upon a day when the world was to be destroyed. He deceived many, and alarmed more. But time proved how artfully he had been deceived himself; and now, what is most awful, he has cast off all sense of religion, ridicules it, charges all his delusion upon God, and quotes these very words of Jeremiah, to prove that God had deceived him. One would not mention this by way of reflection, or triumph over this unhappy man; but, as a caution against this mad, wildfire notion of sinless perfection, which so spreads itself among a certain description of professors. 

But did God really deceive Jeremiah? Can we suppose that he charges God with it? The very thought is daring and impious. After giving several senses upon the words, the learned Dr. Gill very judiciously says, “It is best of all to translate them, as they will bear: O, Lord! Thou hast persuaded me, and I was persuaded.” This sense he takes from Luther and others. The prophet did not run before he was sent; but was called, and effectually convinced of his mission, by the power of His Spirit. Just so is every believer. 

(1st.) Divinely called, and effectually persuaded to come to Christ, and he His disciple. Christian, consider! do not you see somewhat here suited to your own case? Was not God stronger than you, and therefore prevailed? Will not you fall down to-night at the feet of sovereign grace, and own its effectual power; and give the Lord of all grace, all the glory from your whole heart? 

(2d.) Are you like Jeremiah, in a complaining, unbelieving frame? Are you saying, O Lord, I should never have come to Thee, and been Thy disciple, if Thy grace had not prevailed over me! Being come, I encouraged my soul to hope for nothing but comfort all through life. But, alas! I am disappointed and dejected: men laugh at me and deride me. One says, I am an enthusiast; another, my brain is turned: the world says, I am only pursuing whims and chimeras of my own fancy; and Satan mocks and derides me daily, crying, now where is your comfort? where is now your God? 

Blessed Christian! consider, (3d.) and be not dismayed, it is your glory, as it was the prophet’s, to have a lovinghearted, covenant God, a compassionate Saviour, to go to, Who is touched with a feeling of your infirmities. You can pour out your heart before Him, appeal to Him, tell Him of your sorrows, treatment and heart-felt distress. Though all the world derides you, God delights over you: though Satan insults, “God shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.”

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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