CHRIST JESUS is the True God & Eternal Life!

"Hereby we know that He abideth in us, by the Spirit which He hath given us." -I John 3:24 [KJV]

“That the soul be without knowledge, is not good” (Proverbs 19:22.) What knowledge is to be compared with the excellency of the knowledge of Christ? All other will perish. But, “this is life eternal” (John 17:3.) “For He is the true God and eternal life” (1 John 5:20.) Does He abide in us? Could we possess the whole world without this, we should only grasp a phantom. We might as well seek to fill our belly, and satisfy our hunger with the east wind, as be happy without Christ abiding in us. 

 (1st.) What is implied in this? We know what it is to receive and entertain a friend in our dwelling. According to our love to him, and delight in him, so we treat him. Love will set the best things before him, give him the pre-eminence in all things, and accommodate him with the best room in our house. Yea, love is jealous, lest all things should not please, and will apologize. Now, is it so between Christ and our souls? have we received Him, as the best and dearest Friend, into our hearts? Do we welcome Him, delight in Him, invite His stay, entreat Him to forgive what He sees amiss in our poor accommodation? Then, He abideth in us. 

But, (2d.) Can any one know and be sure that Christ abideth in him? Yes, blessed be God! this is not confined to the first age of Christianity; not limited to the apostles only: but it is the precious privilege of every believer in Christ: for it is our comfort, that, Jesus being glorified, the Spirit is given to all His redeemed, to testify of Him. 

See (3d.) This knowledge is, by the Spirit which He hath given us. Take heed and beware that you do not grieve the Spirit, by ascribing that as common to nature, which can only be effected by His grace. Do you see, and know, and feel yourself to be a poor miserable sinner, from day to day? Is sin the grief of your soul, and the burden of your body? Do you delight in the sound of the gospel, and in the precious name of the Saviour of sinners? Is He the hope of your soul, the trust of your heart, and the joy of your mind? Do you desire His company, love His presence, and delight in His work of salvation? Were he now to appear to you in person, and ask, What is the one wish of thy soul? Ask, it shall be done unto thee. 

Could you reply, Lord, that I may know Thee as my own dear Saviour from sin and damnation, into holiness and salvation? Is it so? Who gave thee this spirit? not Satan. It springs not in the garden of nature: it is from the Spirit of Christ. You may truly say, I know Christ abideth in me, by the Spirit which He has given me (see I John 3:23.)


The Spirit make known 

What Jesus hath done; 

By faith we it own, 

And choose Him, and glory on Him alone.

The Spirit we praise, 

Who, in these last days, 

Affections doth raise, 

Jesus to love, & to live on His grace.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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