The Most High's EVERLASTING COVENANT ~ Rejoice!

"I will make an EVERLASTING COVENANT with them, that I will not turn away from them to do them good." -Jeremiah 32:40 [KJV]

A minister lately preaching on the tremendous solemnity of the last day, at the close of his sermon, thus addressed his hearers: “Most awful as my subject has been; most solemn as the things which you have heard have been—yet I have one thing more to add, which is as awful. ‘Tis this.—Ere to-morrow’s sun, perhaps, you will have forgotten all you have heard of this solemn subject!” Awful conclusion! is not this too much our case, respecting the covenant love and faithfulness of our God? Else, why those unreasonable doubts, groundless suspicions, heart-rending jealousies, and soul-dejecting fears which possess us? 

Else, whence that slowness of heart to approach the Lord, to cast our care upon Him, put our trust in Him, glory of Him, live upon Him, and rejoice in Him? The Lord will ever be mindful of His covenant (Psalm 111:5.) But, shame to us! we do not remember, as we ought, that we are the Lord’s covenant people; that He has made an everlasting covenant with us, in Christ, our Head and Representative. He is the Mediator of this covenant. The moment we believe in Jesus, we have that one heart which is towards Him, and we choose Him as our one way. This the Lord promises in the former verse. 

Then, we enter on THE EVERLASTING COVENANT. This is said to be made with us; for the grace of it is applied, the blessings bestowed, and the promises of it made good to us. But here is a future prospect. The Lord gives one special promise, which includes every mercy, comfort, and blessing our souls can wish for.—I will not turn away from them, to do them good. Lord! make us strong in faith, that we may give glory to Thee, for this exceeding great and precious promise. 

Consider, (1st.) This and every other promise is in Christ Jesus. All the promises are in Him (II Corinthians 1:20.) 

(2d.) It is absolute and unconditional in regard to us: for Christ, our Head, has fulfilled all the terms and conditions of the covenant for us. Hence, every blessing comes freely by Him, and through Him to us. Our every plea, for every promise and grace, is for Christ’s sake. Most precious and most prevailing plea! A perfect atonement, and perfect righteousness, faith has to present and plead to divine justice. Therefore, let us come with boldness to a throne of grace. 

(3d.) Will God never turn away from us, to do us good? O, how should this endear Him to our souls! how watchful, how careful ought we to be, not to turn away from Him, to do evil! Lastly. We may bid defiance to sin, the world, Satan, death, and hell. For if the Lord will do good, what shall harm us? if God be for us, who shall be against us? if every good be thus promised, heaven, the chief of all good, is secure to us.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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