"Thou shalt swear, The LORD liveth." -Jeremiah 4:2 [KJV]

A rebel under an attainder, a malefactor under sentence of death, cannot be sworn to give evidence in any court. Such is thy case, O sinner! Thou art naturally under an attainder, as a rebel against the King of kings; and art under sentence of death, by the law of God. But if an earthly monarch, by a royal act of sovereign mercy, forgives a rebel, and pardons a malefactor, they are then good evidences in court. So it is with thee, O believer! thy attainder is taken off, thy pardon is passed under the broad seal of heaven, by a sovereign act of thy gracious Lord: but never forget the love of Jesus, Who obtained this for thee. 

Well, now thy Lord challenges thee: “Ye are My witnesses, saith the LORD (Isaiah 43:10.) He subpoenas us into court. He commands us, Ye shall swear. The Lord, in our days of ignorance, got great dishonour from us, by our taking His holy and sacred name in vain. If not by profane oaths and horrid imprecations, (which, alas! few have been free from) yet in many other ways. Now, we are pardoned by Him, and returned to Him, He will get honour and glory from us. Swearing an oath is, (1st,) for the confirmation of the truth: (2d,) to put an end to all strife (Hebrews 6:16.) Christian, attend to the form of thy oath: thou shalt swear, The Lord liveth. Can you swear this in truth, from your own knowledge? Hearsay evidence cannot be admitted in any court. 

O! but if thy heart be quickened, and turned to the Lord; if thou believest in the Son of God—verily, thou canst give sure evidence that the Lord liveth! The Lord Jesus liveth in thee by faith. Thou hast fellowship with Him Who saith, “I am He who liveth and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of death and of hell” (Revelation 1:18.) Solemnly attest, and steadily persist in this truth, in the presence of angels and men. Confirm it by thy solemn oath, before the Judge of all; so shall it put an end to all strife in thy own conscience. 

As surety as the Lord hath quickened thy spirit, He liveth to save thy soul to the uttermost. Honour thy Lord, by thy sacred testimony to His life, and life-giving influence. Record thy solemn oath to thy Lord, in the court of conscience. Produce it against the false accusations, and lying evidence of Satan. Fulfil thy Lord’s word: “Unto Me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.—In the LORD have I righteousness and strength” (Isaiah 45:24.) 

Lamb of God, in Thee we trust, 

On Thy fixt love depend: 

Thou art faithful, true, and just, 

And lovest to the end. 

Heav’n and earth shall pass away, 

But Thy word shall firm abide: 

That’s Thy children’s stedfast stay, 

When all things fail beside.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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