Sealed Unto The Day of Redemption

"In Whom, also, after that ye believed, ye were sealed, with that Holy Spirit of promise." -Ephesians 1:13 [KJV]

Some consider this sealing as the highest assurance, which but few obtain; others, as a state of perfection in holiness, and an entire freedom from the being of sin. This some pretend to, but no one ever yet arrived to, in this life. But it is plain the apostle means nothing more, than what all believers in common are favoured with. Not after ye believed, but in believing, ye were sealed, says the learned Mr. Hervey. That is, as soon as ye received the truth in the love of it, ye were sealed by the Spirit, as the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 

Consider, (1st,) what is implied in being sealed. A seal is to make an impression of its contents. Sealing an instrument, is making it valid, and acknowledging it as our act and deed. The heart of a believing sinner, melted by the Word and Spirit of God, is the subject of this sealing. The contents of this seal is, Grace and Truth, which came by Jesus Christ. (John 1:17.) This is sealed upon the heart, by the act and deed of the Holy Spirit. This impress of salvation by the grace and truth of the Son of God, is made so deep and lasting on the believing heart, that time with all its changes, sin, with all its malignity, the world with all its charms and frowns, and Satan, with all his power and malice, can never, never efface. 

It will remain, as the impress of the seal on the wax. It answers to the revelation of Jesus made in the word, as the impressed wax to the seal. Such a sealed heart is God’s jewel. He has distinguished it as His own. It will receive no other impression, but from the broad seal of heaven, salvation by the blood and righteousness of the Son of God only. Now, is this sealed upon your heart? Do you reject with abhorrence every other hope? Do you believe in, look to, and trust Jesus for all your salvation? Rejoice: you are sealed. For, consider (2d.) All believers are sealed. 

1. The sealer is the Spirit of promise. He is alike promised to all the believing members of Christ. They are heirs of promise. They have fled to Jesus for refuge, and laid hold of Him as their hope: and nothing but consolation, yea, strong consolation, awaits them from the God of promise. 2. He is the Holy Spirit. By this sealing, He impresses the heart with the love of Christ, of truth, and of holiness. And, 3, He thereby fulfils our Lord’s prayer for His members, “sanctify them through Thy truth” (John 17:17.) 

Therefore, though in heaviness through manifold temptations, though in dejection from many enemies, let not go your confidence of faith. Think not yourself an unbeliever. Think not yourself under the curse of the law. Deny not the Spirit’s work. For if you believe on Jesus, in your heart, you are sealed unto the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30.)

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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