Love the LAMB, Strive Against All Sin

"The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against ungodliness and unrighteousness by men." -Romans 1:18 [KJV]

One sin ruined the whole race of Adam. It brought curse and wrath upon every soul of man. Every man that ever lived, that now lives, and that ever shall live upon this earth, is by nature a child of wrath; and the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against his sin, not one soul excepted. How is this wrath revealed? 

(1st.) At the giving the holy law on Mount Sinai (Exodus ch. 19.) There the Lord revealed all the terror and glory of His majesty, as the most holy, sin-hating God. O think of the mount that burned with fire! the blackness, darkness, and tempest!—the awful sound of the trumpet!—the terrible voice of words, which they who heard, entreated they should not be spoken any more. And so terrible was the sight, that even Moses said, “I exceedingly fear and quake” (Hebrews 12:21.) O! think of this; and think not what is called the least sin, a little thing: for it has lighted up the fire of God’s wrath. 

(2d.) See the wrath of God revealed, in drowning the old world, in burning Sodom and Gomorrah, in the matter of Korah, and in His judgments upon the ungodly in all ages. “God is angry with the wicked every day” (Psalm 7:11.) The fire of His wrath and indignation ever smokes against all sin. Remember this, and be watchful. 

(3d.) Reflect on the wrath of God, revealed from heaven, when He took vengeance on His beloved Son, for the sins of His people. See our iniquity-bearing, sin-atoning, curse-sustaining Lamb of God on the cross. There see what sin is. There view the indignation of God against it, His justice punishing it, and the awful vengeance He executed upon it. O my soul, think of thy Saviour’s inconceivable sufferings for sin. Here see the exceeding sinfulness of sin. View its crimson dye, in the purple gore of the Son of God. Ever think of this; love the Lamb, and strive against all sin. 

For, (4th.) The wrath of God is revealed against sin, even in His own children. He equally hates their sins, will punish sin in them, and them for sin too. Beware of any doctrine that makes light of sin; or, as though God has not the same abhorrence of sin, indignation and wrath against sin, in His own children, as well as others. Do not hold the truth in unrighteousness. Never think of reconciling a holy God to abominable sin. 

(5th.) The wrath of God is revealed in the conscience of His people. By the law is the knowledge of sin (Romans 3:20.) And the law worked wrath (ch. 4:15.) It fills the mind with terrible apprehensions of the wrath of God, and a fearful looking for of His judgment, and fiery indignation against sin. Bless Jesus, that His blood cleanseth from all sin. And, lastly, remember the awful day when “God will take vengeance on them who obey not the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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