"Lord, remember me, when Thou comest into Thy kingdom." -Luke 23:42 [KJV]

When Joseph had interpreted the chief butler’s dream, how pathetically does he plead with him! Think of me, when it shall be well with thee (see Genesis 40:14.) But, alas! such is the base ingratitude of man, all was in vain. When restored to his dignity at court, he thought no more of poor Joseph in prison. Exalted stations often elevate the mind above feeling for the distressed. But it is not so with the King of kings. He is ever the Friend of poor sinners. He remembers us in our low estate. Behold! for us He now hangs on the accursed tree, between two cursed sinners. One was taken, the other left. See your own state in both

Behold the marvellous power of the Lord’s sovereign grace in one! Consider, (1st) Here is a reviler of Jesus changed into a petitioner to Him. There was no alteration in any outward circumstances. All things continued just the same. Christ hung, to all appearance, as a mere man dying at his side. What, then, caused the change in him? O! hide your heads, and blush at your proud notions of your own (-so called) 'free will,' ye boasting pharisees!—fall down and adore distinguishing grace. 

One malefactor is left to his 'free will,' and expires, blaspheming Jesus; the other dies, believing in Him, and praying to Him. He was snatched by grace from the gates of death and hell, as a brand which our Saviour would not suffer to be burned. Now, do you see your nature as wicked, and your state equally as desperate, as this thief’s? then you will be humbled. Do you see that nothing but the same undeserved grace can save you? then, you will exalt free grace of Christ. 

(2d.) See the effects of it. He owns the justice of his sentence, reproves his 'free-will brother,' and proclaims the innocence of the dying Saviour. O! fall down, and own that the sentence of the law, which curses you for sin, is just. Repel the pride and self-righteousness of your heart. Exalt the love and grace of our Saviour. 

(3d.) Hear his prayer. Lord, though Thou diest as an ignominious man (see note below), yet Thou art the Lord of life and glory. Remember me. There is no Saviour, but Thee; no salvation, but by Thee. I am a hopeless, helpless sinner: unless Thou save me, I must be damned eternally. Thou art a King. Thou hast a kingdom. O, bring my soul into it! 

Now, have you just the same plea this thief had? Have you no other? Do you desire no better? Do you expect salvation from the same Saviour—on the same terms? Then, you are taught by the same Spirit, have the same faith in, and shall soon be in glory with the same Lord, Who is rich in mercy unto all who call on Him (Romans 10:12.) 

“The dying thief rejoic’d to see 

That Fountain in his day; 

And O may I, as vile as he, 

Wash all my sins away.”


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


*The word "Ignominious" as referred to Christ JESUS the Lord, means 'incurring disgrace, mean character: Very shameful; reproachful; dishonorable; infamous. To be hanged for a crime is ignominious Whipping, cropping and branding are ignominious punishments. Despicable; worthy of contempt; as an ignominious projector.


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