"Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the LORD." -Lamentations 3:40 [KJV]

This book is justly styled, the Lamentations. The dear children of God were now in captivity and deep distress. Jeremiah most pathetically enumerates and laments their great calamities. We shall never get out of this book of Lamentations, while in the body. We daily see cause for lamentation, on one account and another: and, indeed, if we did not, it would be a bad sign, that, our eyes were blinded by self-righteous pride, or our hearts hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. “As sorrowing, yet always rejoicing,” is the Christian’s motto. 

Times of calamity, and seasons of distress, call for self-examination and soul-searching. This will keep down murmurings and complaints. (1st.) Let us search, look for, and enquire after something that may support and comfort us, and teach us to improve our distress. Soul, let thy circumstances be what they may, thy Lord’s advice is ever seasonable. Search the Scriptures. Why? They testify of Me (see John 5:39.) 

Christ is the Head of the covenant: in Him the Father loves us; through Him, His love flows to us. Afflictions flow from covenant love, and shall answer covenant purposes. The Scriptures are written for our comfort. There we find, that we have the common lot and inheritance of all saints. 

(2d.) Try our ways, by that standard of justice and perfection, the law of God. O, how will this make the sense of sin abound in our eyes! Is the law of God holy? our ways are unholy. Is the law spiritual? we are carnal, sold under sin. Is the law just? our ways are unjust. Is the law good? in us, that is, in our flesh, dwells no good. What must we do? Must we sit down in melancholy, give up all hope, and write despair upon our hearts? No, blessed be God! Though sin has destroyed us, there is salvation in the Lord for us.

 (3d.) Turn again to the Lord. Such is the acting of a gracious heart. Having once tasted that the Lord is gracious, and known the precious love of Christ, it cannot be happy in sin. It cannot bear to live at a distance from the Lord, its life and love. Believing that all our iniquities were laid upon Christ; that He bore them in His own body on the tree,—it cannot rest till it again finds pardon in His blood, the peace of God, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Bless the Lord, O my soul! for that gracious word, “Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings.” (Jeremiah 3:22.) 


Sin and the pow’rs of hell 

Persuade me to despair: 

Lord, make me know Thy cov’nant will, 

That I may ‘scape their snare.

Remember all Thy grace, 

And lead me in Thy truth 

Forgive the sins of riper years, 

And follies of my youth. 


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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