Great Encouragement in CHRIST JESUS

"The nations shall bless themselves in Him, and in Him shall they glory." -Jeremiah 4:2 [KJV]

“Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood, out of every kindred and tongue, and people and nation.” This is part of the new song, which is sung at the right hand of God, in honour and glory to the Lamb (Revelation 5:9.) Shall we not honour and glorify Him here below? What should be the employ of the redeemed and called, every day they live on earth, till they join their brethren in heaven? Why, to bless themselves in the Lord. Bless one’s self! Is not that boasting and vain glory? 

Yes, if it arises from any merit, self-righteousness, or excellence, which we fancy we possess. But we are to bless ourselves, because we are in the Lord, and blessed by our God and Father, with all spiritual blessings, in Christ Jesus. Though a sinner, a miserable sinner, yea, a law-accursed sinner in thyself, yet bless thyself, as a rich saint, a holy, happy soul in Christ; beloved of God, chosen of God, reconciled to God, at peace with God, an heir of God, and joint heir with Jesus. Bless thy soul, that is born again of the Spirit, to partake of such inestimable privileges. This is an evangelical duty. 

It raises the affections to the Lord of our salvation. It revives the heart. It fortifies the mind against sin, and invigorates the soul to all holy obedience. Therefore, it should be our daily work to bless ourselves, and to bless the Lord, for what He has done for us and in us. O, Holy Spirit! raise our legal spirits to the exercise of this gospel-practice! Cause our souls to delight more in, and to glory more of, the Lord our Righteousness. “In Him shall they glory.” One view of Christ by faith stains the pride of all human glorying. O, What glory shines in the person of Jesus! He is God and man in one Christ. What glory is displayed in His love to us sinners, in redeeming us to God by His blood, justifying us by His righteousness, living to pray for us as our Advocate, and saving us day by day from sin, and everlastingly from hell to heaven! 

Let us constantly dwell upon, and glory in His person, His work, His offices, and His everlasting love below, till we come to cast down our crowns before Him above. For, while our souls are thus sweetly exercised from day to day, sin loses its dominion, Satan his power, the world its charms, self is denied, fears subside, hopes are lively, love reigns, our affections are above, our spirits are on the wing for God, and this is our constant language, God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Galatians 6:14. 

“Ye who see the Father’s grace 

Beaming in the Saviour’s face, 

As to Canaan on ye move, 

Praise and bless redeeming love.”


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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