"Will the Lord cast off for ever? will He be favourable no more?" -Psalm 77:7 [KJV]

St. Paul speaks of some who had cast off their first faith. What was the consequence? having damnation (I Timothy 5:12.) If the power and liveliness of faith abate in the heart, a sense of condemnation will be in the conscience. Hence, enlightened, sensible sinners call in question the Lord’s love and grace towards them. They are prone to think, they have quite tired out His patience, and that nothing but wrath and misery await them. What shall we say to such? The Saviour Himself speaks to them. Is it in wrath? Does He say, because you have forsaken me, I will cast you off for ever; die and be damned for your folly! I will show you no more favour? 

True, they have deserved this: they have reason to fear and expect this, was it not for the love of His heart and the grace of His word: therefore, they may joyfully sing, The love divine, which made us Thine, Shall keep us Thine for ever. Therefore, love divine speaks. Grace is upon His lips. Let the children of fear and trembling hear. “Remember from whence thou art fallen.” Call to mind the loving days of thine espousal: then, thy heart glowed with love, and was fired with affections to Me! I have never changed in My love to you, nor in My dealings with you: they were all in love. Repent: Change your mind, in regard to your hard thoughts of Me, as though I would cast off for ever, and be favourable no more. 

Change your conduct towards Me: that ever you should prefer idols, vanities, (things of nought to Me) and leave the enjoyment of My love to seek happiness in them. Cast off them; for I will never cast off you. Shew no favour to them; for I will shew all favour to you. Do thy first works (Revelation 2:5.) Search My word: study My grace; dwell upon My love; meditate upon My sorrows, sufferings, and death for your salvation. Attend to the preaching of the gospel. Come to My table; come to Me as a poor sinner, deceived by sin, and betrayed by folly; come to Me for My promised grace, peace and rest, power and strength, to serve and obey Me! 

O! may these gracious words from our all-gracious Lord, quicken the hope of our souls, to take up the prophet’s words, in spite of sin, Satan, and unbelief, “Come, and let us return unto the Lord," etc. (Hosea 6:1.) The sinner who, by precious faith, Has known his sins forgiv’n, Is from that moment pass’d from death, And seal’d an heir of heav’n. Not as the world the Saviour gives; He is no fickle friend: Whom once He loves He never leaves. But loves him to the end.


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