"To this man will I look, even to him that is poor, and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at My word." -Isaiah 66:2 [KJV]

The Lord, whose throne is in the highest heaven, and whose footstool is the earth, here inquires after a place of residence and rest. As though about to quit His throne, He looks unto man. Behold, He tabernacles in man, He makes the human nature His temple. Hence, He looks to His brethren in flesh, however poor, miserable, and distressed. As His look of love is towards them, so He brings them to look for mercy from Him. 

But we are all naturally too rich in our own eyes, to be indebted to His grace; too stubborn of spirit, to bow to His sceptre; and too stout-hearted, to hearken to His voice, and submit to His righteousness. Well, glory to the Lord! He has mercy for rebels, as well as a heaven for saints; yea, of sturdy rebels, He makes humble saints. How? Thus, “The day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low” (Isaiah 2:12.) 

O! soul, dost thou see thy poverty, deeply involved in debt to law and justice, nothing but rags to cover thy nakedness, and liable to be cast into the prison of hell? Give glory to the Lord. The day of the Lord is upon thee, the light of truth has shined into thee; and, as though there was not another man upon the earth, the Lord looks to thee, even to thee, thou poor sinner. Thou sayest, I abhor myself; I tremble to look at myself—I am so poor, so miserable, so wretched! Surely, the Lord must turn away his eyes from me with loathing and abhorrence! 

No: to this man will I look, saith the Lord. Yes, saith the humble soul, If I had but a contrite spirit, if I did but tremble at His word, I might think so, I should hope so: but I can see nothing in myself, why the Lord should look upon me, and love me. I tremble to be found in myself. O, if the Lord had not looked on thee as He did on Peter, thou wouldst never have had such a contrite spirit, nor such a trembling heart. Jesus beholds, and loves His image there. 

He was once a poor man as thou art. He had not where to recline His weary head, or to find comfort for His sorrowful soul, but in and from the loving breast of His dear Father. That is thy case. Instead of being a proud pharisee, why art thou a humbled sinner? Instead of making a mock at sin, why is thy heart broken for sin? Instead of despising the Lord’s word, why dost thou tremble to be found out of Christ? 

All, all is because the Lord looks to thee. O look, look unto Him and be saved from all thy doubts and fears! Thy poverty and contrition are not conditions, but blessed evidences of salvation. Our Lord assures us, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3.)

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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