"By the grace of God, I am what I am." —I Corinthians 15:10 [KJV]
It would be one great means of preventing complaints and murmurings, if Christians' hearts were more in meditation upon what they once were, still are, and what they deserve. Such was the conduct of the once Jesus-persecuting, but afterwards Jesus-exalting Paul. The same grace that reached his heart, has continued to run through the many revolving periods down to this day, and effects the same blessed work on poor sinners now. Thou therefore, O disciple of Jesus, hast the same cause as Paul had, daily to sing of rich, free, sovereign, distinguishing grace; the eternal love, free favor, and unmerited good-will of God to thy soul in Christ Jesus.
Grace shines with resplendent lustre, in the person of Jesus. Grace operates with sovereign, irresistible power, in the hearts of His members. Hence, it triumphs over all the resisting powers, rebellious motives, carnal workings, and perverse obstinacy of proud nature. Publicans and harlots are often raised and beautified by grace, while self-righteous Pharisees, are left buried in the ruins of nature. Hell-deserving soul! What hast thou to boast of? Wherein canst thou glory? Art thou converted to Jesus? Verily of this thou hast greatest cause of glory and triumph.
But ever know the cause. Study daily to give all the glory where it is only due, even to the free favor of thy God. Wilt thou ever open the mouth of thy obedience, thy fulfilling terms and conditions, by which thou hast obtained the prize? Ever know Jesus hath done all this. Hence grace freely flowed to thee. In the height of thy rebellion, in the depth of thy destruction, the voice of eternal love spoke to thy soul. The power of almighty grace challenged thee, as its blood-bought purchase; seized thee as its lawful captive, and snatched thee as a brand from the fire of destruction.
O wondrous love! Should not amazement strike thy heart, and the fire of love and gratitude ever burn in thy soul? What shall we say to these things? Truly grace, that dwelt in the heart of God from eternity, has sovereignly reached thy heart in time. Therefore art thou turned to Jesus by repentance; hast remission of sins through faith in His blood. This is given, by the exalted prince of grace and peace, to thine heart.
Hast thou a love to holiness, and a hatred to sin? This is contrary to nature, and is given through the grace of the Spirit. "By the grace of God I am what I am," is the confession of saints in earth. By the grace of God I am where I am, is the triumphant song of saints in heaven. For "where sin abounded, grace did much more abound."—Romans 5:20.
'Tis not by works of righteousness,
Which our own hands have done;
But we are saved by sov'reign grace,
Abounding thro' God's Son.
'Tis from mere mercy of our God
That all our hopes begin:
'Tis by the water and the blood
Our souls are wash'd from sin.
-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)