"Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." —Luke 12:32 [KJV]

When poor sinners are converted to Jesus, they become little in their own eyes, and they see but few comparatively who follow the Lamb. Their former friends turn their enemies. Their former hopes are cut off. They know their own strength to be perfect weakness; and they feel the burden of a body of sin and death. Hence their poor hearts are often exercised with anxious cares and distressing fears. Their Saviour knows this; therefore He speaks to them in love, forbids their fears, and administers the most reviving draught of consolation. 

Ye children, consider your dignity as adopted sons of God. Call to mind your honorable state, heirs of a kingdom, heirs of God the King of kings, and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ your elder brother. Though at present ye are in a state of exile. The world knows you not. Your kindred after the flesh despise you. Carnal professors revile and persecute you. Satan is enraged to tempt and accuse you. Yea, and your worst foes are most nearly allied to you; the flesh, with its corruptions and lusts, sin and unbelief. Yet, saith the Head, in glory, to His conflicting members on earth, "Fear not." 

Why? what consideration can dispel the anxious fears, and alleviate the distressing doubts of drooping disciples? Verily the good pleasure of their Father: the eternal purposes of His grace: the immutable designs of His love. A kingdom is prepared for you. Earth, with all its power: sin, with all its malignity: hell, with all its rage and malice, shall never deprive you of your Father's patrimony. O disciple! how does this heighten the mercy and secure the inheritance? It is a FREE GIFT, by Jesus Christ. Poor soul, thou art fearing about thy interest in and title to the kingdom of glory. 

Verily, thou canst find nothing in thyself, to give thee a right thereto. But thy Saviour plainly assures thee, it is of "thy Father's good pleasure." What power can avert that? Hast thou an heart to seek the kingdom? Dost thou believe in, and follow the Lamb? Dost thou see somewhat in Jesus, which attracts thy affections? Is the desire of thy soul after Him, and to the remembrance of His name? Then hath the glory of the kingdom, by the Spirit, shined upon thine heart. No marvel sin is thy grief and burden, while Jesus is the delight and hope of thy soul. May it suffice to quiet and still thy mind, that the Father's gift is sure. 

And so is the way also; it is by Jesus. And "through much tribulation thou (and all the heirs) must enter into the kingdom."—Acts 14:22. One of Thy little flock, my Lord, I'm call'd to follow Thee: But fears prevail and say that I, Shall ne'er Thy kingdom see. Ah! Saviour, speak away these fears, From my poor doubting breast: Assure me, 'tis Thy Father's will, That I in Thee am blest.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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