That I May Know Him (-LORD JESUS Christ)

"Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth: for Thy love is better than wine." —Solomon's Song 1:2 [KJV]

Such is the familiar, loving language of chaste virgins espoused to Jesus. Love in the heart begets desires after tokens of affection from the Object beloved. "Saw ye HIM whom my soul loveth?" asks the enquiring heart. "If ye have taken away HIM," says sorrowful Mary. "That I may know HIM," says affectionate Paul. "Let HIM kiss me," saith the church; as though all the world knew Whom is meant or Who is their Beloved. 

Every heart that is blessed with the discovery of Jesus, will be excited with such desires after Him. Here is a very short and abrupt request; "Let Him kiss me," that will make me quite happy. My heart is simple, I have but one Object in view. O, if Jesus will but favor me with a love-token all my fears vanish, my scruples are at an end, my doubts are all silenced; peace, happiness, and joy shall possess my mind. So the love-allured heart reasons and prays. But sometimes delays excite impatience, and promote jealousies, which issue in mourning surmises. "Hope deferred, makes the heart sick." 

"I fear Jesus doth not love me, or sure He would hear, and not delay affording me sweet evidences and pledges of love." But so Jesus proves the soul's faith and stedfastness to Him; so He draws out its importunity after Him. "Whom having not seen, we love; and though now we see Him not, yet believing, we rejoice with joy unspeakable, and full of glory."—I Peter 1:8. Such is the language of faith. Where revealed love is received in the heart, sensible tokens will be longed after and shall be enjoyed; nor can the believing heart rest satisfied, nor be truly happy without them; its cry is, "None but Christ, none but Christ!"

What are the smiles of the world if Jesus frowns? What is life itself without His presence and favor? His presence creates a paradise; nearness to Him is heaven on earth; His cross is our glory; His kisses our comfort. "For Thy love is better than wine." I have tasted both; I have felt the sweet effects of each. Experience has taught me, that as wine revives and cheers the heart, so doth love; I cannot live without love; I cannot be happy without a sense of it. I cannot be holy, I cannot serve cheerfully, or obey perfectly, nor conquer sin powerfully, but while love, Thy love, O my beloved Jesus, inspires, enlivens, and influences my heavy, sluggish heart. 

Such sentiments possess loving, longing souls. O, this love is a precious plant! It springs not in nature's garden; its original is divine; it comes from God. "For GOD is LOVE."—I John 4:8. Those who have obeyed the Father's voice, "kiss the (-My) Son."—Psalm 2:12—"Know that the love of Christ passeth knowledge."—Ephesians 3:19.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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