Sanctified, Preserved & Called

"To them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called: mercy unto you, and peace, and love be multiplied." —Jude, vss. 1, 2 [KJV]

One frequently meets with poor trembling souls, just enlightened by the Spirit to see their misery, feel their wretchedness as sinners, and who flee to Christ for hope; yet their poor hearts are greatly distressed with fear, lest they should not be sanctified, but perish in their sins, and so never obtain the end of their faith, the salvation of their souls. But that is impossible. They do not at present see the glorious order of the covenant; nor consider the certain security of all who are effectually called by the word and Spirit to the knowledge of Christ. 

For this is a consequence of their being sanctified, separated or set apart by God the Father, as the objects of His everlasting love. As God loves them as His jewels, He is careful to preserve them. He well knew and clearly foresaw the miserable effects sin would bring on them, therefore He chose them in Christ Jesus. He committed them into His hands. They are preserved safe and secure; not from falling into sin; for they are in themselves sinners; by nature "children of wrath even as others." And to their after shame and sorrow, many of them run dreadful lengths in sin before their conversion. Some like Saul, are mad against Jesus, the way of salvation by Him, and holiness by His Spirit. 

But still, as with the people of old, God bears with their manners. The long-suffering of the Lord is their salvation. He is not willing that any one of them should perish. All of them are called to repentance; and to know the preciousness of Jesus, in Whom they are preserved. Disciple of Jesus, canst thou not look back on thy past life, and see thy many, many narrow escapes from death? How many dangers hast thou been delivered from; yea, when only one hair's breadth seemed between thee and eternity! O, hadst thou died in thy unregenerate state of sin and unbelief, how couldst thou have escaped the damnation of hell! But impossible this. 

Thou wast preserved in Christ Jesus, therefore every snare of death has been broken. Thou wast immortal till the Spirit called thee. Think of this and be humbled. Reflect on the love of thy God; rejoice, and give Him all the glory. Thou hast not only been preserved from death and hell, but art called to life and salvation by Jesus. His life is thy righteousness, His blood is thy redemption, His intercession thy salvation. And what awaits thee now? 

Mercy from God the Father, peace in Christ Jesus, love from the blessed Spirit. Such, such is the happy portion of all the called. May this be multiplied more and more upon thee day by day! Such is the doctrine, such the prayer of Jude, the servant of Jesus, inspiration of the Holy Spirit of truth. "Ask, that your joy may be full."—John 16:24.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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