"Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong." —I Corinthians 16:13 [KJV]

Believers in the Lord Jesus now partake of an everlasting salvation. No enemy can deprive them of the full enjoyment of it in glory; because "they are kept by the mighty power of God." But we are daily to consider, it is "through faith,"—1 Peter 1:5. Do we believe in the atonement of Jesus' blood; do we rely on the perfection of His righteousness? Why so? Because the word of the Lord is the warrant for our faith. 

Hence, O soul, the exhortations from the same word to duty are equally binding on thy belief and practice. The same Lord Who has saved us from our enemies, calls us to watch against them. Jesus, Who is gone to prepare a place for us in glory, directs us how to demean ourselves in the way to it. Shall the Christian soldier neglect the command of the Captain of his salvation, when the glory of God and the peace and comfort of his own soul are equally concerned? Surely not. 

Through watchfulness many evils are prevented, many blessings enjoyed. When a Christian is off his guard, or asleep when he should watch, how is he exposed to the attacks and temptations of the enemy! It is for our good that the Lord commands it as our duty. It is through His power that hereby the good soldier of Jesus Christ is enabled to stand fast in the profession, power and comfort of faith. It was Paul's joy in the views of death, that he had "kept the faith,"—II Timothy 4:7. Would we enjoy the same comfort? Strive in the strength of the Lord to follow his example. Check the risings of unbelief. Oppose the workings of carnal reason. Resist stedfastly in the faith the subtle devices of Satan. 

This is your duty and wisdom. So shall we quit ourselves like men of valour and courage: like victorious saints of old, "who overcame every enemy through the blood of the Lamb." Droop not, O believer, thy strength is the Lord's omnipotence. Lift up thy head with boldness, thine enemies are vanquished by thy conquering Jesus. Be strong. Look off thyself. Look to the strong for strength. Look unto Jesus continually. Rely only on the power of His might hourly. His arm is not shortened. The reliance of faith engages His power. The cry of faith obtains victory. 

There is an open and effectual door by which thou shalt enter into glory; but thou must fight thy way through. Consider daily this is our motto, "More than conquerors through JESUS Who hath loved us."—Romans 8:37

Dear Lord, my thankful heart receives 

The hope Thine invitation gives: 

To Thee my joyful lips shall raise 

The voice of prayer, the voice of praise. 

I am my love's, and He is mine, 

Our hearts, our hopes, our passions join; 

Nor let a motion, or a word, 

Nor thought arise to grieve my Lord.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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