"As new-born babes desire the sincere milk of THE WORD that ye may grow thereby." —I Peter 2:2 [KJV]

"What I cannot comprehend shall never be the object of my faith," is the weak language of a proud skeptic. "Where I cannot comprehend, I silently adore; what I cannot explain, yet I humbly believe, because divine truths bear the impress, The Lord hath spoken." This is the language of an humble, gracious heart. "Marvellous are Thy works, O Lord, in wisdom hast Thou made them all." Glorious is Thy grace in Christ Jesus; in love hast Thou revealed it to the children of men. 

Here is the wisdom of saints, to learn from the images of nature the mysteries of grace. From the book of the former we are taught sweet and precious instructions in the latter. How kindly has the God of nature provided for the infant cry of the new-born babe! It soon discovers its wants; and though as sensible of the provision it has brought, and its right unto it, it scarce breathes the air, but it hunts for the breast of its parent, and its tender appetite is drawn out after the milk. No less pleased and delighted is the affectionate mother to administer to its wants and relieve its sorrows, and nourish and strengthen her new-born infant. 

Dwelleth such love in parents to their offspring? Infinitely greater is the love of God to His babes in Christ. Dwelleth such a disposition in the babe of nature after milk? So also is this exemplified in every child of grace in His love to and hunting after the milk of God's word. Hath the God of nature made such suitable provision for the children of this world? Glory to His grace, so hath He richly provided spiritual milk for the children of His kingdom. Desire it, saith He, and grow thereby; feed on it and be strengthened: but the Spirit of wisdom hath given us a caution to try the milk, to see that it be sincere milk; not any milk, but the pure and unmixed milk of God's word and truth; Jesus is the very essence and substance of it. 

If the nourishing doctrines of God's everlasting love and election in Christ, pardon by His blood, clothing by His righteousness, and final salvation of all His dear people through Him, are omitted by ministers, they administer skimmed milk, which has lost its strengthening and nourishing qualities: hence, it will not edify and cause the soul to "grow strong in the grace which is in Christ Jesus." When from the word of God its rich qualities are extracted, carnal reason is set up, human pride is established, creature righteousness is exalted: hence, instead of "growing up unto Christ in all things," professors grow into self-complacency and vain confidences. O, love the revealed word above all human teaching; prize and attend upon the faithful ministers of Jesus, that thou mayest be "nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine."—I Timothy 4. 6.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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