"Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless, at Thy word I will let down the net." —Luke 5:5 [KJV]

Whatever one engages in, success gives pleasure, but disappointment causes dejection. The passing over of a black cloud is often followed by the brighter shining of the sun. Naturalists observe, it is always darkest just before the break of day. So here these poor fishermen had toiled through a tedious night of disappointment; not one fish came to net: yet, at Christ's word they let down the net. Behold the event! 

The greatest success they ever met with succeeded their fruitless toil: their nets were too weak to hold the miraculous draught of fishes they had taken. O, how adorable is Jesus' power and godhead! The occupation of a fisherman is not unlike that of the Christian's vocation. It is his employ to fish in the wide and deep ocean of God's eternal love and grace revealed in His word of truth. What he taketh here he is to live upon day by day. It is sometimes his lot to toil through a dark night of disappointment, and take nothing which may refresh his spirit and rejoice his soul. 

Here "patience must have its perfect work." Not one, nor many nights' bad success, makes the fisherman quit his trade and forsake his calling. So the Christian should consider he has need of patience, that after he has done the will of God he might receive the fulfilment of the promises. These are blessed encouragements for him ever to fish in the great and wide sea of God's covenant love and faithfulness. In His word are blessings innumerable. 

Ever remember, "He that believeth shall not make haste:" that is, be in a hurry and confusion, as one in surprise and fear in time of trouble. Though God's mercies are not styled swift, yet they are called "sure mercies,"—Isaiah 55:3. Where the grace of faith is in the front, perseverance shall be in the centre, and glory shall be in the rear. The soul thirsting after comfort, shall in God's time be refreshed with the plentiful showers of heavenly consolation. 

Some souls have been so filled herewith, even like these disciples' nets that broke with the great draught of fishes, that they have cried out, "Lord, stay Thine hand; my brittle vessel can hold no more." Live upon the word of God's truth, and thou shalt be sure to enjoy the comforts of God's faithfulness. Whatever fails, His word is sure; His promises certain; His covenant immutable; His oath irreversible. 

Consolation, yea "strong consolation from God, awaits every soul who has fled to Jesus for refuge, to lay hold on the hope set before Him."—Hebrews 6:18

Our anchor's cast within the vail 

Where Jesus ever reigns, 

We walk by faith and live by hope; 

Assur'd of endless gains.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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