"Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: Thou hast the dew of Thy youth." —Psalm 110:3 [KJV]

When sovereign grace reacheth the heart, it casts out that son of the bond-woman, natural free-will. This had long usurped the throne, and subjected the poor sinner to nothing but pride and evil. Yet all the while the sinner vainly boasted of his liberty; though he was a servile slave to the worst of drudgery. Free indeed to do evil; but to do good without power. Such is the natural will of every sinner, that it is as averse to turn to Jesus as the will of the devil is. 

But because of the free-will offering of Jesus His members are made willing, by the Spirit, to come to Him as their only hope. To HIM they bring free-will offerings, with holy worship. Thus Jehovah the Father speaks to the Son of His love, and gives a glorious display of the effects of everlasting election and covenant love, under the energy of the divine Spirit. See, believer, behold and adore the equal love of the glorious trinity. Is thy WILL towards Jesus? is the language of thy heart none but Jesus, all other saviours I disclaim? 

Verily, where this WILL is given by the Spirit in a day of power, the affections are attracted to Jesus in the beauties of holiness. Dost thou not choose the sceptre of His love to rule over thee as well as the atonement of His blood to obtain thy pardon? These are inseparable. Let no soul deceive himself. Every believer is washed in the blood of Jesus, and made a priest unto God. As the high-priest under the law "put on the breastplate of judgment; the urim and thummim,"—Exodus 28:30, so every anointed one is endued with LIGHT and PERFECTION—The light of the knowledge of Jesus, and the perfection of grace which dwells in Him, is communicated to His members. 

Hence in the exercise of faith, their souls obey willingly, serve cheerfully, and delight in Jesus continually. This is a soul-affecting consideration: all is of grace. Conceived in the womb of the morning of eternity, and its rich profusion freely poured forth in time, like the pearly dew upon the vegetable creation, produces its verdure, refreshment, and fruits. So, disciple, all thy mercies come from above. Freely thou hast received an understanding to know, a will to choose, and affections to cleave unto Jesus: "Render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's." 

Do thou take all the shame of thy sinful, free-will and nature-state to thyself, and be humbled: "But unto God the things that are God's." By His grace "I am what I am," should be thy daily confession; and this the sweet exercise of thy grateful heart, to glory in the Lord alone, and devote thyself to His service. "Ye are not your own."I Corinthians 6:19.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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