"We wrestle..." —Ephesians 6:12 [KJV]

It is too common for the children of God, when exercised with sharp conflicts of soul, to write bitter things against themselves. But we do well always to remember we are travelers through the territories of an implacable and powerful enemy, whose malicious spirit delights in harassing and distressing us in every part, soul and spirit, as well as flesh. That herein we are not alone; it is the common lot of all the children more or less. 

Take, my brethren, the prophets and apostles as an example herein. We shall find them at times, under severe trials and sore conflicts of spirit. But know, Satan our adversary is a conquered foe; he can go no farther than our own loving Saviour permits him. Our exercises last not one moment longer than our dear Lord sees needful; none of them shall issue in our destruction but in Satan's flight, our soul's deliverance, and our God's glory; and, like every thing else that befalls us, "they work together for our good." 

Our enemies are spiritual powers, princes, rulers, who for number may be styled LEGION. Their nearness to us, and easy access to our spirits, in a way of striving and struggling for the mastery in order to cast us down, is justly styled WRESTLING. Here the combatants are closely joined, and grapple with each other. Our greatest danger is from our feet being tripped off the ground; whereby we may be maimed and bruised by a fall. 

Happy for us, we stand by the power of God through faith. We stand upon this sure foundation, "The Lord knoweth them who are His." Jesus knows that His people will be exposed to onsets of the enemy, but no power, subtlety, or malice shall prevail. Says our dear Preserver, "none shall pluck them out of My hands:" I as man and Mediator, hold them by LOVE. "My Father is greater than I;" He keeps them by His irresistible and almighty power. Yet, alas! it must be owned, that conflicts for the season are grievous. To be attacked by a powerful, invisible foe, whose element where he rules, as well as the time of battle, is always in darkness; therefore most afflicting to the children of light. 

One blessed end of our trials, is to teach us that we should not trust in ourselves, but cry to the Strong for strength. O, what a soul-strengthening, heart-reviving, and spirit-refreshing voice speaks from heaven to us! Hear, O soul, it is the voice of the Captain of thy salvation. Wast thou ready to think He had left thee to thy own weakness? No: "Fear thou not, for I AM with thee. I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness."—Isaiah 41:10


Jesus the LORD shall guard me safe 

From ev'ry ill design, 

And to His heav'nly kingdom take 

This feeble soul of mine. 

God is my everlasting aid, 

And hell shall rage in vain; 

To Him be highest glory paid 

And endless praise, Amen.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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