The Wednesday Word ~ 08 November, 2023 A.D.

 Christ Lifted Up! Part 2

by D. G. Miles McKee
“And I, If I be lifted up from the earth: I will draw all men unto Me” -John 12:32 [KJV]
Unfortunately, there are some professing Christians who have moved away from the Gospel, denying the blood atonement and the success of Christ’s finished work.  They would try to rob us of the very truths upon which we are resting.  They would tell us that the atoning merits of the Lord Jesus Christ are neither enough nor even necessary for our acceptance with God. But, in spite of them, God’s redeemed ones will hold fast to the great, central truths of the Gospel. True believers continually state that the Lord Jesus died, the Just for the unjust.  They boldly declare that He paid the penalty for their sins.  They continually assert that He became their Substitute. They affirm that He, the innocent One, was treated as the guilty one. They hold fast to the truth that Christ died, not only for the unjust but also for the ungodly (Romans 5:6).  Gospel believers continue to believe that it is by the imputation of Christ’s righteousness that we are justified before God.  May we fully believe in the doctrine which is expressed in that beautiful hymn, My hope is built on nothing less,  Than Jesus: blood and righteousness.” His death upon the cross is the great central truth of the Gospel.  Unless He had been lifted up to the cross, no sinner could ever have been saved and heaven, so far as humans are concerned, would be a vacant lot. Therefore, may we hold fast to what has sneeringly been referred to as “The Blood Theology.” The truth is, however, that we do hold to the Blood Theology for without shedding of blood there is no remission of sin (Hebrews 9:22).  Not only so, but God justifies us freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, Whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood (Romans 3:24-25). Hallelujah for the blood! By the way, if we want to know whether or not we have saving faith the great thing for us to ask ourselves is where does our faith rest?  What does it rest upon?Does it rest on ourselves?Does it rest on our own merits?Does it rest on our good deeds?Does it rest on our feelings?Or is the object of our faith, Christ and His atoning sacrifice? Does our faith connect us with Christ, and does it lead us to lean on Him as the One Who died in our place?' Finally, we are taught by the words of our text that the drawing of men to Christ Jesus would be a sure result of His death. I sometimes hear people say that there is a probability of our Lord being a disappointed Saviour.  But surely anyone studying the Word of God can never come to such a conclusion. On three occasions Jesus Himself said that, because of the cross, He would draw all men unto Himself. There is no doubt here. There is no hesitation in the language.  Since He has been lifted up to die, people will be saved and when all the elect are gathered in He shall see the travail of His soul and be satisfied (Isaiah 53:11).   Would Jesus be satisfied with just a few?  Hardly!  And just so there should be no misunderstanding Isaiah continues, “By His knowledge shall My righteous servant justify many; for He shall bear their iniquities." Notice, He will justify MANY! The time will come that, in spite of every difficulty and opposition, there will be a great multitude that no man can number.  People from all nations, kindreds and tribes will be gathered unto Him.  Multitudes will confess that they have been washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Well did Jesus prophesy that all people would be drawn unto Him if He was lifted up? Of course. we, must not suppose that when our Lord said He would draw all men unto Himself that He meant all men without exception. That would be contrary to Scripture. Plainly, the words mean that He will draw all sorts of people unto Him. All kinds will be drawn … high and low, rich and poor, black, white, brown, moral, immoral, bond and free.  All will be drawn and all will be gathered out of every kindred; tongue, people and nation (see Revelation 5:9). And that’s the Gospel Truth!


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