"I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living." —Psalm 27:13 [KJV]

In times of sore distress and affliction, whether in soul or body, saints are taught many sweet lessons. Chastenings from the Lord are all in love; by them our God teaches the soul to profit. "No chastening for the present is joyous, but grievous." In the dark night of suffering, Christians sigh out many a doleful strain. Sometimes according to all appearances from nature, sense, feeling, and the judgment of reason, they are ready to cry out, "All things are against me." Hence their courage sinks, their hopes and their hearts fail them, and they are ready to faint; but they have an invisible Friend always near them; He supports them by His power under all their trials and conflicts; supplies with comforting cordials; revives their spirits with the consolations of His word; and when He brings them out of their troubles, then how sweetly do they sing of Him! how many a joyful psalm! 

What a rich treasury of experience are we favored with from the pen of David, dipped in the ink of affliction! How sweetly does he indite to the glory of his God and the comfort of his Father's children in after-ages! He believed, therefore he spake. Unless he had believed, he had fainted. Faith will support when all things else fail. O, what a soul-supporting grace is faith! Why so? Because it looks to, depends upon, trusts in an almighty, faithful, covenant-keeping God. Faith consults not flesh and blood, but the word of grace and truth. By faith we endure every fight of affliction, every onset of the enemy, seeing Him Who is invisible. 

As faith is the support of the soul, so the object of faith, Jesus; He is both faith's author and strength. "Thy faith shall not fail," saith Jesus to Peter; "I have prayed for thee." It failed not as an abiding principle in the heart unto salvation, though it did in the confession of the lips. While the precious head is praying above, the dear members shall be kept in faith below. Though poor souls, through the enemy's power, the corruptions and rebellions of the flesh, may speak unadvisedly with their lips as David did, (Psalm 116:10, 11.) "I was greatly afflicted, I said in my haste, all men are liars." 

But in their right mind they give all glory to God, confess His goodness, and take shame to themselves for such base declarations, and from their own experience give sweet advice to their brethren. I had fainted unless I had believed. Therefore do thou "Wait on the LORD, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart; wait I say on the LORD." 

Great God, Thy glories shall employ 

My holy fear, my humble joy; 

My lips in songs of honor bring 

The tribute to th' eternal King. 

And will this glorious Lord descend 

To be my Father and my Friend? 

Then let my songs with angels join, 

Heav'n is secure, for Christ is mine.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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