Temporal things & Eternal things

"While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen, are temporal; but the things which are not seen, are eternal." —II Corinthians 4:18 [KJV]

The faith of the gospel stamps vanity upon the righteousness, glory, and happiness of every object short of Jesus. When the soul beholds the King in His glory, it pours contempt upon all things beside; all the transient objects of time and sense die in esteem while the crucified Saviour is in view; this is our greatest gain, our chiefest glory. Far, infinitely beyond all the reasonings of vain philosophy, is the Christian's sight by faith, to reconcile his mind to afflictions, endure with patience under, and give victory over them. Thus Moses "endured, seeing Him Who is invisible."—Hebrews 11:27. 

Though the eye of nature hath not seen, nor the uncircumcised ear hath heard, nor can the carnal heart conceive the spiritual things of God's covenant, Jesus's incarnation, and the Spirits revelation; yet the enlightened, heaven-born soul, sees these things in open vision by the eye of faith; to look at them is his chief delight and joy, to obtain clearer views of them his daily study, to converse and be more familiar with them is his chief happiness, his heaven begun on earth; a strange mystery to his natural self and to the carnal world, is the believing soul; to love and converse with an unseen Saviour, to look to invisible objects, to derive all happiness from things that are not seen; no marvel that there should be so great fight of opposition from fallen nature and carnal reason against such a life, ever remember with humility and thankfulness, our dear Saviour saith, "unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God."—Mark 4:11. 

"These things are hid from the wise and prudent." O disciple, whilst thou dost adore the Father's love, dost rejoice in the Son's grace, remember thou art wholly indebted for all this rich discovery to the divine Spirit; give Him eternal glory; grieve not the Spirit, Who is the glorifier of Jesus, by turning thine eyes to any other object for righteousness, peace, and happiness. Is Christ thine all? Are the unseen things of His kingdom thy portion? Be a chaste virgin to thy Lord. 

"Where thy treasure is, there let thy heart be also." Happy for thee to find with Paul, "I die daily." I am dying to the world while living in it; I find and feel many pains and disorders in my frail body as sure forebodings of hastening dissolution; I know perfectly that the day of the Lord is coming, that each breath I draw brings nearer this solemn advent. What then should I look to? Upon what should my affections be placed? Blessed be God for revealing these eternal things as our portion. "Be careful [-anxious] for nothing," etc.—Philippians 4:6.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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