"Thou shalt guide me with Thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory." —Psalm 73:24 [KJV]

That is a precious caution of our loving Saviour, "Judge not according to the appearance."—John 7:24. St. Paul reproves saints, "Do ye look on things after the outward appearance?"—II Corinthians 10:7. Through this conduct, saints in all ages have puzzled their minds, distressed their souls, and have been tempted to hard thoughts of their God. They have not "judged righteous judgment," in respect to carnal men and the dispensations of God's providence to them. So we see Job greatly exercised, (Job 21:7.) and Asaph in the above Psalm. But after the cloud of carnal reasoning and unbelief passed over their minds, the sun of glory and truth shone again with splendor upon them; then faith puts forth its lively exercises and sweet approbations of God. "O MY God and Saviour, I see Thy ways to man are just! Righteous art Thou, O Lord, Thou art MY God, I will love Thee: Thou shalt guide ME by Thy counsel," etc. 

As the Lord is often said to make a covenant with His people when it was only renewing His old covenant of grace and love in Christ Jesus, so faith frequently makes a fresh choice of, claim to, and glory in the Lord Jesus. "My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure, saith the LORD."—Isaiah 46:10. Amen, saith the believing heart. By Thy word and Spirit guide me continually; I cannot guide myself. Jesus be Thou my guide, my companion, and my familiar friend. Blessed Christian! though in Paul's case—Acts 27:20—"When neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, when no small tempest is upon thee, and all hope of being saved seems taken away," yet Jesus is at the helm. 

Thy vessel shall ride out every storm; He will guide safe to the haven of glory and blessedness. Some persons seem so wholly taken up with prying into the secret purposes and inscrutable depths of God's decrees, that they take no heed to their steps, but, like the philosopher who was so intent in observing the starry heavens, that being careless of his walk he fell into a ditch. Not God's secret purposes, but His revealed truths are the objects of our faith: "His word is a light to our feet:" by that He counsels and directs us. The gracious Spirit leads and guides His children in the paths of peace and holiness. 

It is true, the path to glory is unpleasing to the flesh, and therefore is ever opposed by it; but as there is a disposition in regenerate souls to long for glory, so also a love in them to God's word and the way of holiness. In this the children of God are manifest. All such, God will most certainly receive to glory. "As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."—Romans 8:14.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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